Optimal Routing in Satellite DTN through Markov Decision Processes
This talk was presented in the Workshop of MISSION@INVAP that took place on the 24th and 25th of February in Bariloche and was hosted by INVAP.
It summarizes the work we have done with Fernando Raverta, Juan Fraire, Arnd Hartmanns, Ramiro Demasi, Pablo Madhoery, and Jorge Finochieto on routing in Delay Tolerant Networks based on analysis of Markov Decision Processes.
More precisely, it makes an overview of the results in the following articles:
- F. D. Raverta, R. Demasi, P. G. Madoery, J. A. Fraire, J. M. , and P. R. D'Argenio, “A Markov Decision Process for Routing in Space DTNs with Uncertain Contact Plans”, in 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments, WiSEE 2018, Huntsville, AL, USA, December 11-13, 2018, IEEE, 2018, pp. 189–194.
- P. R. D'Argenio, J. A. Fraire, and A. Hartmanns, “Sampling Distributed Schedulers for Resilient Space Communication”, in NASA Formal Methods - 12th International Symposium, NFM 2020, Moffett Field, CA, USA, May 11-15, 2020, Proceedings, vol. 12229, R. Lee, Jha, S., and Mavridou, A., Eds. Springer, 2020, pp. 291–310.
- F. D. Raverta, J. A. Fraire, P. G. Madoery, R. Demasi, J. M. Finochietto, and P. R. D'Argenio, “Routing in Delay-Tolerant Networks under uncertain contact plans”, Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 123, p. 102663, 2021.