Presenter Notes

  • SGEMM cont'd:
    • Mapeos no 1-a-1.
    • SGEMM con shmem.

Presenter Notes

Usando Unified Memory

A partir de CUDA 6.0 y CC 3.5. Para prototipar soluciones.

 1 checkCudaErrors(cudaMallocManaged(&a, SIZE * sizeof(float)));
 2 checkCudaErrors(cudaMallocManaged(&b, SIZE * sizeof(float)));
 3 checkCudaErrors(cudaMallocManaged(&c, SIZE * sizeof(float)));
 4 assert(a && b && c);
 6 dim3 grid_size(DIV_CEIL(N,BX), DIV_CEIL(N,BY));
 7 dim3 block_size(BX,BY);
 8 setmm<<<grid_size, block_size>>>(N, a, b, c);
 9 getLastCudaError("setmm kernel failed");
10 sgemm<<<grid_size, block_size>>>(N, a, b, c);
11 getLastCudaError("sgemm kernel failed");
12 cudaDeviceSynchronize();
14 double max_diff = 0.0;
15 for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
16     for (unsigned int j=0; j<N; ++j) {
17         float cij = 0.0f;
18         for (unsigned int k=0; k<N; ++k)
19             cij += a[IX(i,k)] * b[IX(k,j)];
20         max_diff = MAX(max_diff, abs(cij-c[IX(i,j)]));
21     }
22 }
23 printf("max_diff: %f\n", max_diff);
25 checkCudaErrors(cudaFree(c));
26 checkCudaErrors(cudaFree(b));
27 checkCudaErrors(cudaFree(a));

Presenter Notes


1 $ nvprof --print-gpu-summary ./sgemm-unified 1024 16 16 
2 ==16422== NVPROF is profiling process 16422, command: ./sgemm-unified 1024 16 16
3 max_diff: 0.000092
4 ==16422== Profiling application: ./sgemm-unified 1024 16 16
5 ==16422== Profiling result:
6 Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
7  98.73%  15.982ms         1  15.982ms  15.982ms  15.982ms  sgemm(unsigned int, float*, float*, float*)
8   1.27%  206.31us         1  206.31us  206.31us  206.31us  setmm(unsigned int, float*, float*, float*)

No aparecen los llamados a cudaMemcpy() o similares.

El walltime es similar a la versión con copia a mano! (ojo la versión sgemm no usaba cudaMallocHost).

 1 $ time ./sgemm-unified 1024 16 16 
 2 max_diff: 0.000092
 4 real    0m9.259s
 5 user    0m8.816s
 6 sys 0m0.404s
 7 $ time ./sgemm 1024 16 16
 8 max_diff: 0.000092
10 real    0m10.107s
11 user    0m9.748s
12 sys 0m0.312s

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Mapeos no 1-a-1

Presenter Notes

Mapeo 1 hilo, muchos c[i][j]


1 __global__ void sgemm_multi(const uint N, const uint MULTI, float * __restrict__ a, float * __restrict__ b, float * __restrict__ c) {
2     const uint i = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
3     const uint j = MULTI*(blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x);
4     if (i<N && j<N)
5         for (uint jj=j; jj<j+MULTI; ++jj)
6             for (uint k=0; k<N; ++k)
7                 c[IX(i,jj)] += a[IX(i,k)] * b[IX(k,jj)];
8 }


1 dim3 grid_size_sgemm(DIV_CEIL(N,BX*MULTI), DIV_CEIL(N,BY));
2 dim3 block_size_sgemm(BX,BY);
3 sgemm_multi<<<grid_size_sgemm, block_size_sgemm>>>(N, MULTI, d_a, d_b, d_c);

Mapeo de hilos a celdas

(i,j) <-> { (i,j*MULTI),...,(i,j*MULTI+MULTI-1) }

Presenter Notes

Corrección y Performance

1 $ for i in {1,2,4,8}; do ./sgemm-multi 1024 16 16 $i; done
2 max_diff: 0.000092
3 max_diff: 0.000092
4 max_diff: 0.000092
5 max_diff: 0.000092


1 $ for i in {1,2,4,8}; do nvprof ./sgemm-multi 1024 16 16 $i 2>&1 | grep sgemm_multi; done
2  87.09%  14.618ms         1  14.618ms  14.618ms  14.618ms  sgemm_multi(unsigned int, unsigned int, float*, float*, float*)
3  87.29%  14.902ms         1  14.902ms  14.902ms  14.902ms  sgemm_multi(unsigned int, unsigned int, float*, float*, float*)
4  88.54%  16.768ms         1  16.768ms  16.768ms  16.768ms  sgemm_multi(unsigned int, unsigned int, float*, float*, float*)
5  94.84%  40.197ms         1  40.197ms  40.197ms  40.197ms  sgemm_multi(unsigned int, unsigned int, float*, float*, float*)

No hay mejora de performance.
Pero si en la comunicación, usé cudaMallocHost() y pasé de 2.5 GiB/s a 6.4 GiB/s.

1 $ nvprof --print-gpu-trace ./sgemm-multi 1024 16 16 1
2 ...
3 400.32ms  654.51us  4.1943MB  6.4084GB/s   Tesla K40c (0)         1         7  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
4 401.01ms  653.35us  4.1943MB  6.4197GB/s   Tesla K40c (0)         1         7  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
5 401.69ms  654.76us  4.1943MB  6.4059GB/s   Tesla K40c (0)         1         7  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]

Presenter Notes

Memoria compartida en bloque

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SGEMM usando shared: estrategia

Figure 3-2. Matrix Multiplication with Shared Memory

(NVIDIA, NVIDIA CUDA C Programming Guide)

Presenter Notes

SGEMM usando shared: el kernel

 1 __global__ void sgemm(float * __restrict__ a, float * __restrict__ b, float * __restrict__ c) {
 2     __shared__ float sa[B][B];
 3     __shared__ float sb[B][B];
 5     const uint ti = threadIdx.y; const uint tj = threadIdx.x;
 6     const uint i = blockIdx.y*B + ti;
 7     const uint j = blockIdx.x*B + tj;
 8     float cij = 0.0f;
 9     for (uint m=0; m<N/B; ++m) {
10         sa[ti][tj] = a[IX(i,m*B+tj)];
11         sb[ti][tj] = b[IX(m*B+ti,j)];
12         __syncthreads();
14         for (uint k=0; k<B; ++k)
15             cij += sa[ti][k] * sb[k][tj];
16         __syncthreads();
17     }
18     c[IX(i,j)] = cij;
19 }
  • Mucho más complejo de entender.
  • Usa las características de cooperación entre hilos dentro de un bloque: shared, synchronization.

Presenter Notes

Otra estrategia para las constantes

Cambiamos de una estrategia de const a #define.
Simplifica algunas cosas, requiere recompilar.

 1 #ifndef N
 2 #define N 1024
 3 #endif
 5 #ifndef B
 6 #define B 32
 7 #endif
 9 #define SIZE (N*N)
10 assert(0 == N%B); // evenly split
11 ...
13 dim3 grid_size(N/B, N/B);
14 dim3 block_size(B,B);
15 ...
16 sgemm<<<grid_size, block_size>>>(d_a, d_b, d_c);

Notar que no tenemos el típico if en el kernel:

1 if (i<N && j<N) {
2     ...
3 }

Presenter Notes

Tamaños de shared per SM (C2070, 2012)


1 Block   Shared   gputime
2 8×8     0.5 KB   20.0 ms
3 16×16   2 KB     12.1 ms
4 32×32   8 KB     12.2 ms

La performance trepó a 165 GFLOPS.

1 >>> ((2*1024**3)/0.0121) / (1<<30)
2 165.28925619834712

C2070, resumen

2 Trivial      60         6%
3 Shared      165        16%

Presenter Notes

Resumen shared (K40, 2014)


1 Block   Shared   gputime   GFLOPS    Eff
2 8×8     0.5 KB   8.20 ms      243    5%
3 16×16   2 KB     5.30 ms      377    8%
4 32×32   8 KB     5.18 ms      386    8.5%

Aumenté mucho los GFLOPs, pero la eficiencia bajó dramáticamente.

Típico de "mejoré para Fermi, pero para Kepler no camina".

Hay una base de 2x de speedup de full Fermi a full Kepler.
Pero la eficiencia 0.5x.
Moraleja: Kepler Tuning Guide.

Presenter Notes

Incremento de granularidad

Hwu trick, sección 6.6.
Reutilizar el block sa (Md) para dos o más bloques sb (Nd).

Increased thread granularity with rectangular tiles

Presenter Notes

El código

 1 __global__ void sgemm_shared2(float * __restrict__ a, float * __restrict__ b, float * __restrict__ c) {
 2     __shared__ float sa[B][B];
 3     __shared__ float sb0[B][B];
 4     __shared__ float sb1[B][B];
 6     const uint ti = threadIdx.y;
 7     const uint tj = threadIdx.x;
 8     const uint i = blockIdx.y*B + ti;
 9     const uint j0 = (2*blockIdx.x+0)*B + tj;
10     const uint j1 = (2*blockIdx.x+1)*B + tj;
11     float cij0 = 0.0f, cij1 = 0.0f;
12     for (uint m=0; m<N/B; ++m) {
13         sa[ti][tj] = a[IX(i,m*B+tj)];
14         sb0[ti][tj] = b[IX(m*B+ti,j0)];
15         sb1[ti][tj] = b[IX(m*B+ti,j1)];
16         __syncthreads();
18         for (uint k=0; k<B; ++k) {
19             cij0 += sa[ti][k] * sb0[k][tj];
20             cij1 += sa[ti][k] * sb1[k][tj];
21         }
22         __syncthreads();
23     }
24     c[IX(i,j0)] = cij0;
25     c[IX(i,j1)] = cij1;
26 }

Se lanzan grid_size.x /= 2 bloques.

Presenter Notes


Para N=1024, B=16 corriendo en K40 con nvcc-6.0.
Los otros tamaños de bloque posible (8 y 32) dan peores resultados.


1 Gránulo  Tiempo  GFLOPS
2       1  5.36ms     373
3       2  4.36ms     458
4       4  3.92ms     510

Consumo de memoria

1 Gránulo  Regs  ShMem
2       1    25   2048
3       2    32   3072
4       4    37   5120

Mejoramos pero estamos aun lejos de una eficiencia decente.

Presenter Notes

Better performance at lower occupancy

Menos hilos, pero más bloques por SMX.
Vasily Volkov, Better performance at lower occupancy, GTC, 2010.


La primera parte es igual al código de shared.

1 __global__ void sgemm_shared(float * __restrict__ a, float * __restrict__ b, float * __restrict__ c) {
2     __shared__ float sa[B][B];
3     __shared__ float sb[B][B];
5     const uint ti = threadIdx.y;
6     const uint tj = threadIdx.x;
7     const uint i = blockIdx.y*B + ti;
8     const uint j = blockIdx.x*B + tj;

Idea: hacer más trabajo por hilo, aumentar la granularidad, pero ...

  • En vez de lanzar una grilla la mitad de alta.
  • Se lanzan bloques la mitad de altos: block_size.y /= 2

Presenter Notes

El código

 1     float cij[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};
 2     for (uint m=0; m<N/B; ++m) {
 3         sa[ti][tj] = a[IX(i,m*B+tj)];
 4         sb[ti][tj] = b[IX(m*B+ti,j)];
 5         sa[ti+B/2][tj] = a[IX(i+B/2,m*B+tj)];
 6         sb[ti+B/2][tj] = b[IX(m*B+ti+B/2,j)];
 7         __syncthreads();
 9         for (uint k=0; k<B; ++k) {
10             cij[0] += sa[ti][k] * sb[k][tj];
11             cij[1] += sa[ti+B/2][k] * sb[k][tj];
12         }
13         __syncthreads();
14     }
15     c[IX(i,j)] = cij[0];
16     c[IX(i+B/2,j)] = cij[1];
17 }
  • El mismo trabajo se hace con bloques más pequeños.
  • Entran más bloques por SMX.
  • Se explota mejor el ILP.

Tradeoff entre TLP (thread level paralelism) e ILP (instruction level paralelism).

Presenter Notes


Para N=1024, B=32 en una K40 compilado con nvcc-6.0.

1 Grano  Regs  ShMem  Time(ms)  GFLOPS
2     1    21   8192      5.18     386
3     2    31   8192      3.46     578
4     4    42   8192      2.73     732
5     8    49   8192      2.53     790
6    16    40   8192     22.89      87

Volvimos a tener un ~17% de eficiencia.

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La clase que viene

  • Inner&outer scheduler.

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