section‹Auxiliary renamings for Separation› theory Separation_Rename imports Interface Renaming begin lemmas apply_fun = apply_iff[THEN iffD1] lemma nth_concat : "[p,t] ∈ list(A) ⟹ env∈ list(A) ⟹ nth(1 #+ length(env),[p]@ env @ [t]) = t" by(auto simp add:nth_append) lemma nth_concat2 : "env∈ list(A) ⟹ nth(length(env),env @ [p,t]) = p" by(auto simp add:nth_append) lemma nth_concat3 : "env∈ list(A) ⟹ u = nth(succ(length(env)), env @ [pi, u])" by(auto simp add:nth_append) definition sep_var :: "i ⇒ i" where "sep_var(n) ≡ {⟨0,1⟩,⟨1,3⟩,⟨2,4⟩,⟨3,5⟩,⟨4,0⟩,⟨5#+n,6⟩,⟨6#+n,2⟩}" definition sep_env :: "i ⇒ i" where "sep_env(n) ≡ λ i ∈ (5#+n)-5 . i#+2" definition weak :: "[i, i] ⇒ i" where "weak(n,m) ≡ {i#+m . i ∈ n}" lemma weakD : assumes "n ∈ nat" "k∈nat" "x ∈ weak(n,k)" shows "∃ i ∈ n . x = i#+k" using assms unfolding weak_def by blast lemma weak_equal : assumes "n∈nat" "m∈nat" shows "weak(n,m) = (m#+n) - m" proof - have "weak(n,m)⊆(m#+n)-m" proof(intro subsetI) fix x assume "x∈weak(n,m)" with assms obtain i where "i∈n" "x=i#+m" using weakD by blast then have "m≤i#+m" "i<n" using add_le_self2[of m i] ‹m∈nat› ‹n∈nat› ltI[OF ‹i∈n›] by simp_all then have "¬i#+m<m" using not_lt_iff_le in_n_in_nat[OF ‹n∈nat› ‹i∈n›] ‹m∈nat› by simp with ‹x=i#+m› have "x∉m" using ltI ‹m∈nat› by auto moreover from assms ‹x=i#+m› ‹i<n› have "x<m#+n" using add_lt_mono1[OF ‹i<n› ‹n∈nat›] by simp ultimately show "x∈(m#+n)-m" using ltD DiffI by simp qed moreover have "(m#+n)-m⊆weak(n,m)" proof (intro subsetI) fix x assume "x∈(m#+n)-m" then have "x∈m#+n" "x∉m" using DiffD1[of x "n#+m" m] DiffD2[of x "n#+m" m] by simp_all then have "x<m#+n" "x∈nat" using ltI in_n_in_nat[OF add_type[of m n]] by simp_all then obtain i where "m#+n = succ(x#+i)" using less_iff_succ_add[OF ‹x∈nat›,of "m#+n"] add_type by auto then have "x#+i<m#+n" using succ_le_iff by simp with ‹x∉m› have "¬x<m" using ltD by blast with ‹m∈nat› ‹x∈nat› have "m≤x" using not_lt_iff_le by simp with ‹x<m#+n› ‹n∈nat› have "x#-m<m#+n#-m" using diff_mono[OF ‹x∈nat› _ ‹m∈nat›] by simp have "m#+n#-m = n" using diff_cancel2 ‹m∈nat› ‹n∈nat› by simp with ‹x#-m<m#+n#-m› ‹x∈nat› have "x#-m ∈ n" "x=x#-m#+m" using ltD add_diff_inverse2[OF ‹m≤x›] by simp_all then show "x∈weak(n,m)" unfolding weak_def by auto qed ultimately show ?thesis by auto qed lemma weak_zero: shows "weak(0,n) = 0" unfolding weak_def by simp lemma weakening_diff : assumes "n ∈ nat" shows "weak(n,7) - weak(n,5) ⊆ {5#+n, 6#+n}" unfolding weak_def using assms proof(auto) { fix i assume "i∈n" "succ(succ(natify(i)))≠n" "∀w∈n. succ(succ(natify(i))) ≠ natify(w)" then have "i<n" using ltI ‹n∈nat› by simp from ‹n∈nat› ‹i∈n› ‹succ(succ(natify(i)))≠n› have "i∈nat" "succ(succ(i))≠n" using in_n_in_nat by simp_all from ‹i<n› have "succ(i)≤n" using succ_leI by simp with ‹n∈nat› consider (a) "succ(i) = n" | (b) "succ(i) < n" using leD by auto then have "succ(i) = n" proof cases case a then show ?thesis . next case b then have "succ(succ(i))≤n" using succ_leI by simp with ‹n∈nat› consider (a) "succ(succ(i)) = n" | (b) "succ(succ(i)) < n" using leD by auto then have "succ(i) = n" proof cases case a with ‹succ(succ(i))≠n› show ?thesis by blast next case b then have "succ(succ(i))∈n" using ltD by simp with ‹i∈nat› have "succ(succ(natify(i))) ≠ natify(succ(succ(i)))" using ‹∀w∈n. succ(succ(natify(i))) ≠ natify(w)› by auto then have "False" using ‹i∈nat› by auto then show ?thesis by blast qed then show ?thesis . qed with ‹i∈nat› have "succ(natify(i)) = n" by simp } then show "n ∈ nat ⟹ succ(succ(natify(y))) ≠ n ⟹ ∀x∈n. succ(succ(natify(y))) ≠ natify(x) ⟹ y ∈ n ⟹ succ(natify(y)) = n" for y by blast qed lemma in_add_del : assumes "x∈j#+n" "n∈nat" "j∈nat" shows "x < j ∨ x ∈ weak(n,j)" proof (cases "x<j") case True then show ?thesis .. next case False have "x∈nat" "j#+n∈nat" using in_n_in_nat[OF _ ‹x∈j#+n›] assms by simp_all then have "j ≤ x" "x < j#+n" using not_lt_iff_le False ‹j∈nat› ‹n∈nat› ltI[OF ‹x∈j#+n›] by auto then have "x#-j < (j #+ n) #- j" "x = j #+ (x #-j)" using diff_mono ‹x∈nat› ‹j#+n∈nat› ‹j∈nat› ‹n∈nat› add_diff_inverse[OF ‹j≤x›] by simp_all then have "x#-j < n" "x = (x #-j ) #+ j" using diff_add_inverse ‹n∈nat› add_commute by simp_all then have "x#-j ∈n" using ltD by simp then have "x ∈ weak(n,j)" unfolding weak_def using ‹x= (x#-j) #+j› RepFunI[OF ‹x#-j∈n›] add_commute by force then show ?thesis .. qed lemma sep_env_action: assumes "[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi] ∈ list(M)" "env ∈ list(M)" shows "∀ i . i ∈ weak(length(env),5) ⟶ nth(sep_env(length(env))`i,[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi]@env) = nth(i,[p,P,leq,o,t] @ env @ [pi,u])" proof - from assms have A: "5#+length(env)∈nat" "[p, P, leq, o, t] ∈list(M)" by simp_all let ?f="sep_env(length(env))" have EQ: "weak(length(env),5) = 5#+length(env) - 5" using weak_equal length_type[OF ‹env∈list(M)›] by simp let ?tgt="[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi]@env" let ?src="[p,P,leq,o,t] @ env @ [pi,u]" have "nth(?f`i,[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi]@env) = nth(i,[p,P,leq,o,t] @ env @ [pi,u])" if "i ∈ (5#+length(env)-5)" for i proof - from that have 2: "i ∈ 5#+length(env)" "i ∉ 5" "i ∈ nat" "i#-5∈nat" "i#+2∈nat" using in_n_in_nat[OF ‹5#+length(env)∈nat›] by simp_all then have 3: "¬ i < 5" using ltD by force then have "5 ≤ i" "2 ≤ 5" using not_lt_iff_le ‹i∈nat› by simp_all then have "2 ≤ i" using le_trans[OF ‹2≤5›] by simp from A ‹i ∈ 5#+length(env)› have "i < 5#+length(env)" using ltI by simp with ‹i∈nat› ‹2≤i› A have C:"i#+2 < 7#+length(env)" by simp with that have B: "?f`i = i#+2" unfolding sep_env_def by simp from 3 assms(1) ‹i∈nat› have "¬ i#+2 < 7" using not_lt_iff_le add_le_mono by simp from ‹i < 5#+length(env)› 3 ‹i∈nat› have "i#-5 < 5#+length(env) #- 5" using diff_mono[of i "5#+length(env)" 5,OF _ _ _ ‹i < 5#+length(env)›] not_lt_iff_le[THEN iffD1] by force with assms(2) have "i#-5 < length(env)" using diff_add_inverse length_type by simp have "nth(i,?src) =nth(i#-5,env@[pi,u])" using nth_append[OF A(2) ‹i∈nat›] 3 by simp also have "... = nth(i#-5, env)" using nth_append[OF ‹env ∈list(M)› ‹i#-5∈nat›] ‹i#-5 < length(env)› by simp also have "... = nth(i#+2, ?tgt)" using nth_append[OF assms(1) ‹i#+2∈nat›] ‹¬ i#+2 <7› by simp ultimately have "nth(i,?src) = nth(?f`i,?tgt)" using B by simp then show ?thesis using that by simp qed then show ?thesis using EQ by force qed lemma sep_env_type : assumes "n ∈ nat" shows "sep_env(n) : (5#+n)-5 → (7#+n)-7" proof - let ?h="sep_env(n)" from ‹n∈nat› have "(5#+n)#+2 = 7#+n" "7#+n∈nat" "5#+n∈nat" by simp_all have D: "sep_env(n)`x ∈ (7#+n)-7" if "x ∈ (5#+n)-5" for x proof - from ‹x∈5#+n-5› have "?h`x = x#+2" "x<5#+n" "x∈nat" unfolding sep_env_def using ltI in_n_in_nat[OF ‹5#+n∈nat›] by simp_all then have "x#+2 < 7#+n" by simp then have "x#+2 ∈ 7#+n" using ltD by simp from ‹x∈5#+n-5› have "x∉5" by simp then have "¬x<5" using ltD by blast then have "5≤x" using not_lt_iff_le ‹x∈nat› by simp then have "7≤x#+2" using add_le_mono ‹x∈nat› by simp then have "¬x#+2<7" using not_lt_iff_le ‹x∈nat› by simp then have "x#+2 ∉ 7" using ltI ‹x∈nat› by force with ‹x#+2 ∈ 7#+n› show ?thesis using ‹?h`x = x#+2› DiffI by simp qed then show ?thesis unfolding sep_env_def using lam_type by simp qed lemma sep_var_fin_type : assumes "n ∈ nat" shows "sep_var(n) : 7#+n -||> 7#+n" unfolding sep_var_def using consI ltD emptyI by force lemma sep_var_domain : assumes "n ∈ nat" shows "domain(sep_var(n)) = 7#+n - weak(n,5)" proof - let ?A="weak(n,5)" have A:"domain(sep_var(n)) ⊆ (7#+n)" unfolding sep_var_def by(auto simp add: le_natE) have C: "x=5#+n ∨ x=6#+n ∨ x ≤ 4" if "x∈domain(sep_var(n))" for x using that unfolding sep_var_def by auto have D : "x<n#+7" if "x∈7#+n" for x using that ‹n∈nat› ltI by simp have "¬ 5#+n < 5#+n" using ‹n∈nat› lt_irrefl[of _ False] by force have "¬ 6#+n < 5#+n" using ‹n∈nat› by force have R: "x < 5#+n" if "x∈?A" for x proof - from that obtain i where "i<n" "x=5#+i" unfolding weak_def using ltI ‹n∈nat› RepFun_iff by force with ‹n∈nat› have "5#+i < 5#+n" using add_lt_mono2 by simp with ‹x=5#+i› show "x < 5#+n" by simp qed then have 1:"x∉?A" if "¬x <5#+n" for x using that by blast have "5#+n ∉ ?A" "6#+n∉?A" proof - show "5#+n ∉ ?A" using 1 ‹¬5#+n<5#+n› by blast with 1 show "6#+n ∉ ?A" using ‹¬6#+n<5#+n› by blast qed then have E:"x∉?A" if "x∈domain(sep_var(n))" for x unfolding weak_def using C that by force then have F: "domain(sep_var(n)) ⊆ 7#+n - ?A" using A by auto from assms have "x<7 ∨ x∈weak(n,7)" if "x∈7#+n" for x using in_add_del[OF ‹x∈7#+n›] by simp moreover { fix x assume asm:"x∈7#+n" "x∉?A" "x∈weak(n,7)" then have "x∈domain(sep_var(n))" proof - from ‹n∈nat› have "weak(n,7)-weak(n,5)⊆{n#+5,n#+6}" using weakening_diff by simp with ‹x∉?A› asm have "x∈{n#+5,n#+6}" using subsetD DiffI by blast then show ?thesis unfolding sep_var_def by simp qed } moreover { fix x assume asm:"x∈7#+n" "x∉?A" "x<7" then have "x∈domain(sep_var(n))" proof (cases "2 ≤ n") case True moreover have "0<n" using leD[OF ‹n∈nat› ‹2≤n›] lt_imp_0_lt by auto ultimately have "x<5" using ‹x<7› ‹x∉?A› ‹n∈nat› in_n_in_nat unfolding weak_def by (clarsimp simp add:not_lt_iff_le, auto simp add:lt_def) then show ?thesis unfolding sep_var_def by (clarsimp simp add:not_lt_iff_le, auto simp add:lt_def) next case False then show ?thesis proof (cases "n=0") case True then show ?thesis unfolding sep_var_def using ltD asm ‹n∈nat› by auto next case False then have "n < 2" using ‹n∈nat› not_lt_iff_le ‹¬ 2 ≤ n› by force then have "¬ n <1" using ‹n≠0› by simp then have "n=1" using not_lt_iff_le ‹n<2› le_iff by auto then show ?thesis using ‹x∉?A› unfolding weak_def sep_var_def using ltD asm ‹n∈nat› by force qed qed } ultimately have "w∈domain(sep_var(n))" if "w∈ 7#+n - ?A" for w using that by blast then have "7#+n - ?A ⊆ domain(sep_var(n))" by blast with F show ?thesis by auto qed lemma sep_var_type : assumes "n ∈ nat" shows "sep_var(n) : (7#+n)-weak(n,5) → 7#+n" using FiniteFun_is_fun[OF sep_var_fin_type[OF ‹n∈nat›]] sep_var_domain[OF ‹n∈nat›] by simp lemma sep_var_action : assumes "[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi] ∈ list(M)" "env ∈ list(M)" shows "∀ i . i ∈ (7#+length(env)) - weak(length(env),5) ⟶ nth(sep_var(length(env))`i,[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi]@env) = nth(i,[p,P,leq,o,t] @ env @ [pi,u])" using assms proof (subst sep_var_domain[OF length_type[OF ‹env∈list(M)›],symmetric],auto) fix i y assume "⟨i, y⟩ ∈ sep_var(length(env))" with assms show "nth(sep_var(length(env)) ` i, Cons(t, Cons(p, Cons(u, Cons(P, Cons(leq, Cons(o, Cons(pi, env)))))))) = nth(i, Cons(p, Cons(P, Cons(leq, Cons(o, Cons(t, env @ [pi, u]))))))" using apply_fun[OF sep_var_type] assms unfolding sep_var_def using nth_concat2[OF ‹env∈list(M)›] nth_concat3[OF ‹env∈list(M)›,symmetric] by force qed definition rensep :: "i ⇒ i" where "rensep(n) ≡ union_fun(sep_var(n),sep_env(n),7#+n-weak(n,5),weak(n,5))" lemma rensep_aux : assumes "n∈nat" shows "(7#+n-weak(n,5)) ∪ weak(n,5) = 7#+n" "7#+n ∪ ( 7 #+ n - 7) = 7#+n" proof - from ‹n∈nat› have "weak(n,5) = n#+5-5" using weak_equal by simp with ‹n∈nat› show "(7#+n-weak(n,5)) ∪ weak(n,5) = 7#+n" "7#+n ∪ ( 7 #+ n - 7) = 7#+n" using Diff_partition le_imp_subset by auto qed lemma rensep_type : assumes "n∈nat" shows "rensep(n) ∈ 7#+n → 7#+n" proof - from ‹n∈nat› have "rensep(n) ∈ (7#+n-weak(n,5)) ∪ weak(n,5) → 7#+n ∪ (7#+n - 7)" unfolding rensep_def using union_fun_type sep_var_type ‹n∈nat› sep_env_type weak_equal by force then show ?thesis using rensep_aux ‹n∈nat› by auto qed lemma rensep_action : assumes "[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi] @ env ∈ list(M)" shows "∀ i . i < 7#+length(env) ⟶ nth(rensep(length(env))`i,[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi]@env) = nth(i,[p,P,leq,o,t] @ env @ [pi,u])" proof - let ?tgt="[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi]@env" let ?src="[p,P,leq,o,t] @ env @ [pi,u]" let ?m="7 #+ length(env) - weak(length(env),5)" let ?p="weak(length(env),5)" let ?f="sep_var(length(env))" let ?g="sep_env(length(env))" let ?n="length(env)" from assms have 1 : "[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi] ∈ list(M)" " env ∈ list(M)" "?src ∈ list(M)" "?tgt ∈ list(M)" "7#+?n = (7#+?n-weak(?n,5)) ∪ weak(?n,5)" " length(?src) = (7#+?n-weak(?n,5)) ∪ weak(?n,5)" using Diff_partition le_imp_subset rensep_aux by auto then have "nth(i, ?src) = nth(union_fun(?f, ?g, ?m, ?p) ` i, ?tgt)" if "i < 7#+length(env)" for i proof - from ‹i<7#+?n› have "i ∈ (7#+?n-weak(?n,5)) ∪ weak(?n,5)" using ltD by simp then show ?thesis unfolding rensep_def using union_fun_action[OF ‹?src∈list(M)› ‹?tgt∈list(M)› ‹length(?src) = (7#+?n-weak(?n,5)) ∪ weak(?n,5)› sep_var_action[OF ‹[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi] ∈ list(M)› ‹env∈list(M)›] sep_env_action[OF ‹[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi] ∈ list(M)› ‹env∈list(M)›] ] that by simp qed then show ?thesis unfolding rensep_def by simp qed definition sep_ren :: "[i,i] ⇒ i" where "sep_ren(n,φ) ≡ ren(φ)`(7#+n)`(7#+n)`rensep(n)" lemma arity_rensep: assumes "φ∈formula" "env ∈ list(M)" "arity(φ) ≤ 7#+length(env)" shows "arity(sep_ren(length(env),φ)) ≤ 7#+length(env)" unfolding sep_ren_def using arity_ren rensep_type assms by simp lemma type_rensep [TC]: assumes "φ∈formula" "env∈list(M)" shows "sep_ren(length(env),φ) ∈ formula" unfolding sep_ren_def using ren_tc rensep_type assms by simp lemma sepren_action: assumes "arity(φ) ≤ 7 #+ length(env)" "[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi] ∈ list(M)" "env∈list(M)" "φ∈formula" shows "sats(M, sep_ren(length(env),φ),[t,p,u,P,leq,o,pi] @ env) ⟷ sats(M, φ,[p,P,leq,o,t] @ env @ [pi,u])" proof - from assms have 1: " [t, p, u, P, leq, o, pi] @ env ∈ list(M)" "[P,leq,o,p,t] ∈ list(M)" "[pi,u] ∈ list(M)" by simp_all then have 2: "[p,P,leq,o,t] @ env @ [pi,u] ∈ list(M)" using app_type by simp show ?thesis unfolding sep_ren_def using sats_iff_sats_ren[OF ‹φ∈formula› add_type[of 7 "length(env)"] add_type[of 7 "length(env)"] 2 1(1) rensep_type[OF length_type[OF ‹env∈list(M)›]] ‹arity(φ) ≤ 7 #+ length(env)›] rensep_action[OF 1(1),rule_format,symmetric] by simp qed end