A General Conservative Extension Theorem in Process Algebras with Inequalities

TitleA General Conservative Extension Theorem in Process Algebras with Inequalities
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsD'Argenio, PR, Verhoef, C
JournalTheoretical Computer Science
AbstractWe prove a general conservative extension theorem for transition system based process theories with easy-to-check and reasonable conditions. The core of this result is another general theorem which gives sufficient conditions for a system of operational rules and an extension of it in order to ensure conservativity, that is, provable transitions from an original term in the extension are the same as in the original system. As a simple corollary of the conservative extension theorem we prove a completeness theorem. We also prove a general theorem giving sufficient conditions to reduce the question of ground confluence modulo some equations for a large term rewriting system associated with an equational process theory to a small term rewriting system under the condition that the large system is a conservative extension of the small one. We provide many applications to show that our results are useful. The applications include (but are not limited to) various real and discrete time settings in ACP, ATP, and CCS and the notions projection, renaming, state operator, priority, recursion, the silent step, autonomous actions, the empty process, divergence, etc.
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