Invited Speaker at ICTAC 2023 in Lima, Peru

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I was delighted to be invited to lecture at ICTAC 2023, the 20th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing which took place in Lima, Peru between the 4th and 8th of December, 2023.

I not only had the chance to lecture there but also to build and strengthen bonds with great people with whom, in bigger events, I miss the chance to have long and deep conversations.

In addition, I was not only warmly welcomed to Lima as an Argentinian, but also discovered a beautiful city that reveals how formidable metropolis must have been on the times of the Spanish colonies. Unfortunately, I only had a glimpse of the majesty of pre-colonial civilizations. (A note to myself: a second visit to Peru beyond the borders of Lima is imperatively needed)

The data of the lecture is as follows:

Invited Seminar at ICTAC 2023 Training School on Applied Formal Methods

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The ICTAC 2023 Training School on Applied Formal Methods was a two days school associated to the ICTAC 2023 conference and has the aim to promote the formal methods techniques in the global south.

This edition took place in Lima, Peru at UTEC on the 4th and 5th of December, 2023.

I was very glad I was given the opportunity to give a 3 hours lecture at the school where I had the chance to lecture on Probabilistic Model Checking to master students, Ph.D. students, early-stage researchers, and colleagues curious on the subject. I enjoyed it a lot!

Quantifying Masking Fault-Tolerance via Fair Stochastic Games

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This talk corresponds to our article

Quantifying Masking Fault-Tolerance via Fair Stochastic Games.
Pablo F. Castro, Pedro R. D’Argenio, Ramiro Demasi, Luciano Putruele.
In Proceedings of EXPRESS/SOS 2023, EPTCS 387, pp. 132-148.

which I presented in the combined 30th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 20th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics, that took place in the joint event CONFEST 2023 in Antwerp, Belgium, the 18th of September, 2023.

Luchando contra Errores, Fallas y Chantadas para construir Software Confiable

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El Centro de estudiantes de FAMAF (CEIMAF) organiza regularmente el Mes de la Ciencia. Las charlas que allí se dictan están destinadas a estudiantes de las carreras de grado, con el objetivo de familiarizarles y hacerles llegar la producción científica de conocimiento de la FAMAF y la actividad que se realiza en distintos grupos de investigación.

En ese marco, el CEIMAF me invitó a participar en la edición 2022 que tuvo lugar en el mes de noviembre para que dé una charla haciendo conocer lo que se hace en mi grupo de investigación. Las transparencias aquí adjuntas son una adaptación y actualización de charlas anteriores.

Debo decir que me fue super grata la interacción que se dio los alumnos y cuyas inquietudes produjeron una charla muy interesante.

Título: Luchando contra Errores, Fallas y Chantadas para construir Software Confiable.
Resumen: En esta presentación debatimos sobre tres tipos de problemas que afectan a los sistemas críticos (SC) -sean estos de seguridad crítica o de misión crítica- y comentamos sobre distintas técnicas respaldadas matemáticamente para poder atacar estos problemas. La charla esta enfocada en las investigaciones que realizamos en el grupo de Sistemas Confiables estos últimos años.

Invited talk at Frits Vaandrager's 60th birthday

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I have enjoyed very much the Workshop celebrating Frits Vaandrager 60th Birthday, which took place in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, on the 23rd of September of 2022.

Frits was my first contact towards obtaining my position to do a PhD and with whom I enjoyed a lot working on one of my most relevant works.

The workshop was a joy and I was delighted to meet, not only Frits, but also a lot of people that I have met back in my times as a PhD student (about 25 years ago!)

In addition I was honored to give a lecture in which I presented our recent work in CAV 2022.

A shame I could not contribute with the excellent volume that was dedicated to Frits:

A Journey from Process Algebra via Timed Automata to Model Learning. Essays Dedicated to Frits Vaandrager on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Nils Jansen, Mariëlle Stoelinga, and Petra van den Bos, editors. LNCS vol. 13560. Springer Cham, 2022.

Keynote lecture at QEST 2022 (within CONFEST 2022), Warsaw, Poland

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I was very happy to be invited as a speaker to QEST since it is a conference in which I have been involved since it origins in 2004, being as author, PC member, PC chair, general chair, SC member, reviewer, or just as participant.

The slides presented here corresponds to the keynote lecture I gave at th 19th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST 2022), within the framework of CONFEST 2022, which was held in Warsaw, Poland, between the 12th and 16th of September 2022.

The talk described the work we have done with Carlos E. Budde and Raúl E. Monti which lately also included Mariëlle Stoelinga.

Optimal Routing in Satellite DTN through Markov Decision Processes

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This talk was presented in the Workshop of MISSION@INVAP that took place on the 24th and 25th of February in Bariloche and was hosted by INVAP.

It summarizes the work we have done with Fernando Raverta, Juan Fraire, Arnd Hartmanns, Ramiro Demasi, Pablo Madhoery, and Jorge Finochieto on routing in Delay Tolerant Networks based on analysis of Markov Decision Processes.

More precisely, it makes an overview of the results in the following articles:

Our MISSION: Summary and description of the objectives of the project

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This talk opened the Workshop of MISSION@INVAP that took place on the 24th and 25th of February in Bariloche and was hosted by INVAP. It briefly explains how the project MISSION came to be, how it is conformed and what it is about.

Modelos para la descripción de sistemas temporizados estocásticos

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En esta charla introduzco diversos marcos para para el modelado de procesos estocásticos, enfocándome principalmente en cadenas de Markov, procesos de decisión de Markov, autómatas temporizados probabilistas (PTA) u autómatas estocásticos. De está manera se presenta un espectro relativamente amplio de los marcos matemático para el modelado y análisis detrás de herramientas como Prism, Storm, Modest y FIG.

La charla se da dentro de la cooperación de nuestro grupo de trabajo con Invap en el marco del proyecto MISSION.

Measuring Masking Fault-Tolerance

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In the regular meetings of the Dependable Systems and Software group, Saarland University, on the 10th of October, 2020, I gave an online talk of our work published in TACAS 2019, jointly written with Pablo Castro, Ramiro Demasi and Luciano Putruele. This is the info of the talk:
