Theory CardinalArith_Relative

section‹Relative, Choice-less Cardinal Arithmetic›

theory CardinalArith_Relative


(* rvimage(?A, ?f, ?r) ≡ {z ∈ ?A × ?A . ∃x y. z = ⟨x, y⟩ ∧ ⟨?f ` x, ?f ` y⟩ ∈ ?r} *)
relativize functional "rvimage" "rvimage_rel" external
relationalize "rvimage_rel" "is_rvimage"

  csquare_lam :: "ii" where
  "csquare_lam(K)  λx,yK×K. x  y, x, y"

― ‹Can't do the next thing because split is a missing HOC›
(* relativize functional "csquare_lam" "csquare_lam_rel" *)
relativize_tm "<fst(x) ∪ snd(x), fst(x), snd(x)>" "is_csquare_lam_body"

  is_csquare_lam :: "[io,i,i]o" where
  "is_csquare_lam(M,K,l)  K2[M]. cartprod(M,K,K,K2) 

definition jump_cardinal_body :: "[io,i]  i" where
    {z . r  PowM(X × X), M(z)  M(r)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype(X, r)} "

lemma (in M_cardinals) csquare_lam_closed [intro,simp]: "M(K)  M(csquare_lam(K))"
  using csquare_lam_replacement  unfolding csquare_lam_def
  by (rule lam_closed) (auto dest:transM)

locale M_pre_cardinal_arith= M_cardinals +
    ord_iso_separation: "M(A)  M(r)  M(s) 
      separation(M, λf. xA. yA. x, y  r  f ` x, f ` y  s)"
    wfrec_pred_replacement:"M(A)  M(r) 
      wfrec_replacement(M, λx f z. z = f `` Order.pred(A, x, r), r)"

locale M_cardinal_arith= M_pre_cardinal_arith +
    ordertype_replacement :
    "M(X)  strong_replacement(M,λ x z . M(z)  M(x)  xPow_rel(M,X×X)  well_ord(X, x)  z=ordertype(X,x))"
    strong_replacement_jc_body :
    "strong_replacement(M,λ x z . M(z)  M(x)  z = jump_cardinal_body(M,x))"
    "M(f)  M(x)  strong_replacement(M, λy z. y  f -`` {x}  z = {x, y})"
    "M(f)  strong_replacement(M, λx z. z = Sigfun(x, λy. f -`` {y}))"
    "M(f)  strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = f -`` {x})"
    "M(f)  M(r)  strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, minimum(r, f -`` {x}))"

relativize_tm "∃x' y' x y. z = ⟨⟨x', y'⟩, x, y⟩ ∧ (⟨x', x⟩ ∈ r ∨ x' = x ∧ ⟨y', y⟩ ∈ s)"

relativize functional "rmult" "rmult_rel" external
relationalize "rmult_rel" "is_rmult"

lemma (in M_trivial) rmultP_abs [absolut]: " M(r); M(s); M(z)   is_rmultP(M,s,r,z) 
    (x' y' x y. z = x', y', x, y  (x', x  r  x' = x  y', y  s))"
  unfolding is_rmultP_def by (auto dest:transM)

  is_csquare_rel :: "[io,i,i]o"  where
    "is_csquare_rel(M,K,cs)  K2[M]. la[M]. memK[M].
      rmKK[M]. rmKK2[M].
        cartprod(M,K,K,K2)  is_csquare_lam(M,K,la) 
        membership(M,K,memK)  is_rmult(M,K,memK,K,memK,rmKK) 
        is_rmult(M,K,memK,K2,rmKK,rmKK2)  is_rvimage(M,K2,la,rmKK2,cs)"

context M_basic

lemma rvimage_abs [absolut]:
  assumes "M(A)" "M(f)" "M(r)" "M(z)"
  shows "is_rvimage(M,A,f,r,z)  z = rvimage(A,f,r)"
  using assms transM[OF _ M(A)]
  unfolding is_rvimage_def rvimage_def
  by auto

lemma rmult_abs [absolut]: " M(A); M(r); M(B); M(s); M(z)  
    is_rmult(M,A,r,B,s,z)  z=rmult(A,r,B,s)"
  using rmultP_abs transM[of _ "(A × B) × A × B"]
  unfolding is_rmultP_def is_rmult_def rmult_def
  by (auto del: iffI)

lemma csquare_lam_body_abs [absolut]: "M(x)  M(z) 
  is_csquare_lam_body(M,x,z)  z = <fst(x)  snd(x), fst(x), snd(x)>"
  unfolding is_csquare_lam_body_def by (simp add:absolut)

lemma csquare_lam_abs [absolut]: "M(K)  M(l) 
  is_csquare_lam(M,K,l)  l = (λxK×K. fst(x)  snd(x), fst(x), snd(x))"
  unfolding is_csquare_lam_def
  using lambda_abs2[of "K×K" "is_csquare_lam_body(M)"
      "λx. fst(x)  snd(x), fst(x), snd(x)"]
  unfolding Relation1_def by (simp add:absolut)

lemma csquare_lam_eq_lam :"csquare_lam(K) = (λzK×K. <fst(z)  snd(z), fst(z), snd(z)>)"
proof -
  have "(λx,yK × K. x  y, x, y)`z =
      (λzK×K. <fst(z)  snd(z), fst(z), snd(z)>)`z" if "zK×K" for z
    using that by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding csquare_lam_def
    by simp

end (* M_basic *)

context M_pre_cardinal_arith

lemma csquare_rel_closed [intro,simp]: "M(K)  M(csquare_rel(K))"
  using csquare_lam_replacement unfolding csquare_rel_def
  by (intro rvimage_closed lam_closed) (auto dest:transM)

(* Ugly proof ahead, please enhance *)
lemma csquare_rel_abs [absolut]: " M(K); M(cs) 
     is_csquare_rel(M,K,cs)  cs = csquare_rel(K)"
  unfolding is_csquare_rel_def csquare_rel_def
  using csquare_lam_closed[unfolded csquare_lam_eq_lam]
  by (simp add:absolut csquare_lam_eq_lam[unfolded csquare_lam_def])

end (* M_cardinal_arith *)

(*************   Discipline for csucc  ****************)
relativize functional "csucc" "csucc_rel" external
relationalize "csucc_rel" "is_csucc"
synthesize "is_csucc" from_definition assuming "nonempty"
arity_theorem for "is_csucc_fm"

  csucc_r :: "[i,io]  i"  ('(_+')⇗_) where
  "csucc_r(x,M)  csucc_rel(M,x)"

  csucc_r_set :: "[i,i]  i"  ('(_+')⇗_) where
  "csucc_r_set(x,M)  csucc_rel(##M,x)"

context M_Perm

rel_closed for "csucc"
  using Least_closed'[of "λ L. M(L)  CardM(L)  K < L"]
  unfolding csucc_rel_def
  by simp

is_iff_rel for "csucc"
  using least_abs'[of "λ L. M(L)  CardM(L)  K < L" res]
  unfolding is_csucc_def csucc_rel_def
  by (simp add:absolut)

end (* M_Perm *)

notation csucc_rel (csucc⇗_⇖'(_'))

(***************  end Discipline  *********************)

context M_cardinals

lemma Card_rel_Union [simp,intro,TC]:
  assumes A: "x. xA  CardM(x)" and
  shows "CardM((A))"
proof (rule Card_relI)
  show "Ord(A)" using A
    by (simp add: Card_rel_is_Ord types transM)
  fix j
  assume j: "j < A"
  moreover from this
  have "M(j)" unfolding lt_def by (auto simp add:types dest:transM)
  from j
  have "cA. j  c  CardM(c)" using A types
    unfolding lt_def
    by (simp)
  obtain c where c: "cA" "j < c" "CardM(c)" "M(c)"
    using Card_rel_is_Ord types unfolding lt_def
    by (auto dest:transM)
  with M(j)
  have jls: "jM c"
    by (simp add: lt_Card_rel_imp_lesspoll_rel types)
  { assume eqp: "jM A"
    have  "cM A" using c
      by (blast intro: subset_imp_lepoll_rel types)
    also from types M(j)
    have "...M j"  by (rule_tac eqpoll_rel_sym [OF eqp]) (simp_all add:types)
    also have "...M c"  by (rule jls)
    finally have "cM c" by (simp_all add:M(c) M(j) types)
    with M(c)
    have False
      by (auto dest:lesspoll_rel_irrefl)
  } thus "¬ jM A" by blast
qed (simp_all add:types)

lemma Card_UN: "(!!x. x ∈ A ==> Card(K(x))) ==> Card(⋃x∈A. K(x))"
  by blast

lemma Card_OUN [simp,intro,TC]:
     "(!!x. x ∈ A ==> Card(K(x))) ==> Card(⋃x<A. K(x))"
  by (auto simp add: OUnion_def Card_0)

lemma in_Card_imp_lesspoll : "[| CardM(K); b  K; M(K); M(b) |] ==> bM K"
apply (unfold lesspoll_rel_def)
apply (simp add: Card_rel_iff_initial)
apply (fast intro!: le_imp_lepoll_rel ltI leI)

subsection‹Cardinal addition›

text‹Note (Paulson): Could omit proving the algebraic laws for cardinal addition and
multiplication.  On finite cardinals these operations coincide with
addition and multiplication of natural numbers; on infinite cardinals they
coincide with union (maximum).  Either way we get most laws for free.›

subsubsection‹Cardinal addition is commutative›

lemma sum_commute_eqpoll_rel : "M(A)  M(B)  A+BM B+A"
proof (simp add: def_eqpoll_rel, rule rexI)
  show "(λzA+B. case(Inr,Inl,z))  bij(A+B, B+A)"
    by (auto intro: lam_bijective [where d = "case(Inr,Inl)"])
  assume "M(A)" "M(B)"
  show "M(λzA + B. case(Inr, Inl, z))"
    using case_replacement1
    by (rule_tac lam_closed) (auto dest:transM)

lemma cadd_rel_commute : "M(i)  M(j)  iM j = jM i"
apply (unfold cadd_rel_def)
apply (auto intro: sum_commute_eqpoll_rel [THEN cardinal_rel_cong])

subsubsection‹Cardinal addition is associative›

lemma sum_assoc_eqpoll_rel : "M(A)  M(B)  M(C)  (A+B)+CM A+(B+C)"
  apply (simp add: def_eqpoll_rel)
  apply (rule rexI)
   apply (rule sum_assoc_bij)
  using case_replacement2
    by (rule_tac lam_closed) (auto dest:transM)

text‹Unconditional version requires AC›
lemma well_ord_cadd_rel_assoc :
  assumes i: "well_ord(i,ri)" and j: "well_ord(j,rj)" and k: "well_ord(k,rk)"
    types: "M(i)" "M(ri)" "M(j)" "M(rj)" "M(k)" "M(rk)"
  shows "(iM j)M k = iM (jM k)"
proof (simp add: assms cadd_rel_def, rule cardinal_rel_cong)
  from types
  have "|i + j|M + kM (i + j) + k"
    by (auto intro!: sum_eqpoll_rel_cong well_ord_cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel eqpoll_rel_refl well_ord_radd i j)
  also have "...M i + (j + k)"
    by (rule sum_assoc_eqpoll_rel) (simp_all add:types)
  have "...M i + |j + k|M"
  proof (auto intro!: sum_eqpoll_rel_cong intro:eqpoll_rel_refl simp add:types)
    from types
    have "|j + k|MM j + k"
      using well_ord_cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel[OF well_ord_radd, OF j k]
      by (simp)
    with types
    show "j + kM |j + k|M"
      using eqpoll_rel_sym by simp
  finally show "|i + j|M + kM i + |j + k|M" by (simp_all add:types)
qed (simp_all add:types)

subsubsection‹0 is the identity for addition›

lemma case_id_eq : "xsum(A,B)  case(λz . z, λz. z ,x) = snd(x)"
  unfolding case_def cond_def by (auto simp:Inl_def Inr_def)

lemma lam_case_id : "(λz0 + A. case(λx. x, λy. y, z)) = (λz0 + A . snd(z))"
  using case_id_eq by simp

lemma sum_0_eqpoll_rel : "M(A)  0+AM A"
  apply (simp add:def_eqpoll_rel)
  apply (rule rexI)
   apply (rule bij_0_sum,subst lam_case_id)
  using lam_replacement_snd[unfolded lam_replacement_def]
  by (rule lam_closed)
      (auto simp add:case_def cond_def Inr_def dest:transM)

lemma cadd_rel_0 [simp]: "CardM(K)  M(K)  0M K = K"
apply (simp add: cadd_rel_def)
apply (simp add: sum_0_eqpoll_rel [THEN cardinal_rel_cong] Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq)

subsubsection‹Addition by another cardinal›

lemma sum_lepoll_rel_self : "M(A)  M(B)  AM A+B"
proof (simp add: def_lepoll_rel, rule rexI)
  show "(λxA. Inl (x))  inj(A, A + B)"
    by (simp add: inj_def)
  assume "M(A)" "M(B)"
  show "M(λxA. Inl(x))"
    using Inl_replacement1 transM[OF _ M(A)]
    by (rule_tac lam_closed) (auto simp add: Inl_def)

(*Could probably weaken the premises to well_ord(K,r), or removing using AC*)

lemma cadd_rel_le_self :
  assumes K: "CardM(K)" and L: "Ord(L)" and
    types:"M(K)" "M(L)"
  shows "K  (KM L)"
proof (simp add:types cadd_rel_def)
  have "K  |K|M"
    by (rule Card_rel_cardinal_rel_le [OF K]) (simp add:types)
  moreover have "|K|M  |K + L|M" using K L
    by (blast intro: well_ord_lepoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_le sum_lepoll_rel_self
                     well_ord_radd well_ord_Memrel Card_rel_is_Ord types)
  ultimately show "K  |K + L|M"
    by (blast intro: le_trans)

subsubsection‹Monotonicity of addition›

lemma sum_lepoll_rel_mono :
     "[| AM C;  BM D; M(A); M(B); M(C); M(D) |] ==> A + BM C + D"
apply (simp add: def_lepoll_rel)
apply (elim rexE)
apply (rule_tac x = "λzA+B. case (%w. Inl(f`w), %y. Inr(fa`y), z)" in rexI)
apply (rule_tac d = "case (%w. Inl(converse(f) `w), %y. Inr(converse(fa) ` y))"
       in lam_injective)
    apply (typecheck add: inj_is_fun, auto)
  apply (rule_tac lam_closed, auto dest:transM intro:case_replacement4)

lemma cadd_rel_le_mono :
    "[| K'  K;  L'  L;M(K');M(K);M(L');M(L) |] ==> (K'M L')  (KM L)"
apply (unfold cadd_rel_def)
apply (safe dest!: le_subset_iff [THEN iffD1])
apply (rule well_ord_lepoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_le)
apply (blast intro: well_ord_radd well_ord_Memrel)
apply (auto intro: sum_lepoll_rel_mono subset_imp_lepoll_rel)

subsubsection‹Addition of finite cardinals is "ordinary" addition›

lemma sum_succ_eqpoll_rel : "M(A)  M(B)  succ(A)+BM succ(A+B)"
apply (simp add:def_eqpoll_rel)
apply (rule rexI)
apply (rule_tac c = "%z. if z=Inl (A) then A+B else z"
            and d = "%z. if z=A+B then Inl (A) else z" in lam_bijective)
   apply simp_all
      apply (blast dest: sym [THEN eq_imp_not_mem] elim: mem_irrefl)+
  apply(rule_tac lam_closed, auto dest:transM intro:if_then_range_replacement2)

(*Pulling the  succ(...)  outside the |...| requires m, n ∈ nat  *)
(*Unconditional version requires AC*)
lemma cadd_succ_lemma :
  assumes "Ord(m)" "Ord(n)" and
    types: "M(m)" "M(n)"
  shows "succ(m)M n = |succ(mM n)|M"
  using types
proof (simp add: cadd_rel_def)
  have [intro]: "m + nM |m + n|M" using assms
    by (blast intro: eqpoll_rel_sym well_ord_cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel well_ord_radd well_ord_Memrel)

  have "|succ(m) + n|M = |succ(m + n)|M"
    by (rule sum_succ_eqpoll_rel [THEN cardinal_rel_cong]) (simp_all add:types)
  also have "... = |succ(|m + n|M)|M"
    by (blast intro: succ_eqpoll_rel_cong cardinal_rel_cong types)
  finally show "|succ(m) + n|M = |succ(|m + n|M)|M" .

lemma nat_cadd_rel_eq_add :
  assumes m: "m  nat" and [simp]: "n  nat" shows"mM n = m #+ n"
  using m
proof (induct m)
  case 0 thus ?case
    using transM[OF _ M_nat]
    by (auto simp add: nat_into_Card_rel)
  case (succ m) thus ?case
    using transM[OF _ M_nat]
    by (simp add: cadd_succ_lemma nat_into_Card_rel Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq)

subsection‹Cardinal multiplication›

subsubsection‹Cardinal multiplication is commutative›

lemma prod_commute_eqpoll_rel : "M(A)  M(B)  A*BM B*A"
apply (simp add: def_eqpoll_rel)
apply (rule rexI)
apply (rule_tac c = "%<x,y>.<y,x>" and d = "%<x,y>.<y,x>" in lam_bijective,
  apply(rule_tac lam_closed, auto intro:swap_replacement dest:transM)

lemma cmult_rel_commute : "M(i)  M(j)  iM j = jM i"
apply (unfold cmult_rel_def)
  apply (rule prod_commute_eqpoll_rel [THEN cardinal_rel_cong], simp_all)

subsubsection‹Cardinal multiplication is associative›

lemma prod_assoc_eqpoll_rel : "M(A)  M(B)  M(C)  (A*B)*CM A*(B*C)"
apply (simp add: def_eqpoll_rel)
apply (rule rexI)
apply (rule prod_assoc_bij)
  apply(rule_tac lam_closed, auto intro:assoc_replacement dest:transM)

text‹Unconditional version requires AC›
lemma well_ord_cmult_rel_assoc :
  assumes i: "well_ord(i,ri)" and j: "well_ord(j,rj)" and k: "well_ord(k,rk)"
    types: "M(i)" "M(ri)" "M(j)" "M(rj)" "M(k)" "M(rk)"
  shows "(iM j)M k = iM (jM k)"
proof (simp add: assms cmult_rel_def, rule cardinal_rel_cong)
  have "|i * j|M * kM (i * j) * k"
    by (auto intro!: prod_eqpoll_rel_cong
        well_ord_cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel eqpoll_rel_refl
        well_ord_rmult i j simp add:types)
  also have "...M i * (j * k)"
    by (rule prod_assoc_eqpoll_rel, simp_all add:types)
  also have "...M i * |j * k|M"
    by (blast intro: prod_eqpoll_rel_cong well_ord_cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel
        eqpoll_rel_refl well_ord_rmult j k eqpoll_rel_sym types)
  finally show "|i * j|M * kM i * |j * k|M" by (simp add:types)
qed (simp_all add:types)

subsubsection‹Cardinal multiplication distributes over addition›

lemma sum_prod_distrib_eqpoll_rel : "M(A)  M(B)  M(C)  (A+B)*CM (A*C)+(B*C)"
apply (simp add: def_eqpoll_rel)
apply (rule rexI)
   apply (rule sum_prod_distrib_bij)
  apply(rule_tac lam_closed, auto intro:case_replacement5 dest:transM)

lemma well_ord_cadd_cmult_distrib :
  assumes i: "well_ord(i,ri)" and j: "well_ord(j,rj)" and k: "well_ord(k,rk)"
    types: "M(i)" "M(ri)" "M(j)" "M(rj)" "M(k)" "M(rk)"
  shows "(iM j)M k = (iM k)M (jM k)"
proof (simp add: assms cadd_rel_def cmult_rel_def, rule cardinal_rel_cong)
  have "|i + j|M * kM (i + j) * k"
    by (blast intro: prod_eqpoll_rel_cong well_ord_cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel
        eqpoll_rel_refl well_ord_radd i j types)
  also have "...M i * k + j * k"
    by (rule sum_prod_distrib_eqpoll_rel) (simp_all add:types)
  also have "...M |i * k|M + |j * k|M"
    by (blast intro: sum_eqpoll_rel_cong well_ord_cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel
        well_ord_rmult i j k eqpoll_rel_sym types)
  finally show "|i + j|M * kM |i * k|M + |j * k|M" by (simp add:types)
qed (simp_all add:types)

subsubsection‹Multiplication by 0 yields 0›

lemma prod_0_eqpoll_rel : "M(A)  0*AM 0"
apply (simp add: def_eqpoll_rel)
apply (rule rexI)
apply (rule lam_bijective, auto)

lemma cmult_rel_0 [simp]: "M(i)  0M i = 0"
by (simp add: cmult_rel_def prod_0_eqpoll_rel [THEN cardinal_rel_cong])

subsubsection‹1 is the identity for multiplication›

lemma prod_singleton_eqpoll_rel : "M(x)  M(A)  {x}*AM A"
apply (simp add: def_eqpoll_rel)
apply (rule rexI)
   apply (rule singleton_prod_bij [THEN bij_converse_bij])
  apply (rule converse_closed)
  apply(rule_tac lam_closed, auto intro:prepend_replacement dest:transM)

lemma cmult_rel_1 [simp]: "CardM(K)  M(K)  1M K = K"
apply (simp add: cmult_rel_def succ_def)
apply (simp add: prod_singleton_eqpoll_rel[THEN cardinal_rel_cong] Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq)

subsection‹Some inequalities for multiplication›

lemma prod_square_lepoll_rel : "M(A)  AM A*A"
apply (simp add:def_lepoll_rel inj_def)
apply (rule_tac x = "λxA. <x,x>" in rexI, simp)
  apply(rule_tac lam_closed, auto intro:id_replacement dest:transM)

(*Could probably weaken the premise to well_ord(K,r), or remove using AC*)
lemma cmult_rel_square_le : "CardM(K)  M(K)  K  KM K"
apply (unfold cmult_rel_def)
apply (rule le_trans)
apply (rule_tac [2] well_ord_lepoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_le)
       apply (rule_tac [3] prod_square_lepoll_rel)
apply (simp add: le_refl Card_rel_is_Ord Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq)
      apply (blast intro: well_ord_rmult well_ord_Memrel Card_rel_is_Ord)
  apply simp_all

subsubsection‹Multiplication by a non-zero cardinal›

lemma prod_lepoll_rel_self : "b  B  M(b)  M(B)  M(A)  AM A*B"
apply (simp add: def_lepoll_rel inj_def)
apply (rule_tac x = "λxA. <x,b>" in rexI, simp)
  apply(rule_tac lam_closed, auto intro:pospend_replacement dest:transM)

(*Could probably weaken the premises to well_ord(K,r), or removing using AC*)
lemma cmult_rel_le_self :
    "[| CardM(K);  Ord(L);  0<L; M(K);M(L) |] ==> K  (KM L)"
apply (unfold cmult_rel_def)
apply (rule le_trans [OF Card_rel_cardinal_rel_le well_ord_lepoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_le])
  apply assumption apply simp
 apply (blast intro: well_ord_rmult well_ord_Memrel Card_rel_is_Ord)
apply (auto intro: prod_lepoll_rel_self ltD)

subsubsection‹Monotonicity of multiplication›

lemma prod_lepoll_rel_mono :
     "[| AM C;  BM D; M(A); M(B); M(C); M(D)|] ==> A * BM  C * D"
apply (simp add:def_lepoll_rel)
apply (elim rexE)
apply (rule_tac x = "lam <w,y>:A*B. <f`w, fa`y>" in rexI)
apply (rule_tac d = "%<w,y>. <converse (f) `w, converse (fa) `y>"
       in lam_injective)
    apply (typecheck add: inj_is_fun, auto)
  apply(rule_tac lam_closed, auto intro:prod_fun_replacement dest:transM)

lemma cmult_rel_le_mono :
    "[| K'  K;  L'  L;M(K');M(K);M(L');M(L) |] ==> (K'M L')  (KM L)"
apply (unfold cmult_rel_def)
apply (safe dest!: le_subset_iff [THEN iffD1])
apply (rule well_ord_lepoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_le)
 apply (blast intro: well_ord_rmult well_ord_Memrel)
apply (auto intro: prod_lepoll_rel_mono subset_imp_lepoll_rel)

subsection‹Multiplication of finite cardinals is "ordinary" multiplication›

lemma prod_succ_eqpoll_rel : "M(A)  M(B)  succ(A)*BM B + A*B"
apply (simp add: def_eqpoll_rel)
apply (rule rexI)
apply (rule_tac c = "λp. if fst(p)=A then Inl (snd(p)) else Inr (p)"
            and d = "case (%y. <A,y>, %z. z)" in lam_bijective)
apply safe
          apply (simp_all add: succI2 if_type mem_imp_not_eq)
  apply(rule_tac lam_closed, auto intro:Inl_replacement2 dest:transM)

(*Unconditional version requires AC*)
lemma cmult_rel_succ_lemma :
    "[| Ord(m);  Ord(n) ; M(m); M(n) |] ==> succ(m)M n = nM (mM n)"
apply (simp add: cmult_rel_def cadd_rel_def)
apply (rule prod_succ_eqpoll_rel [THEN cardinal_rel_cong, THEN trans], simp_all)
apply (rule cardinal_rel_cong [symmetric], simp_all)
apply (rule sum_eqpoll_rel_cong [OF eqpoll_rel_refl well_ord_cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel], assumption)
        apply (blast intro: well_ord_rmult well_ord_Memrel)
  apply simp_all

lemma nat_cmult_rel_eq_mult : "[| m  nat;  n  nat |] ==> mM n = m#*n"
  using transM[OF _ M_nat]
apply (induct_tac m)
apply (simp_all add: cmult_rel_succ_lemma nat_cadd_rel_eq_add)

lemma cmult_rel_2 : "CardM(n)  M(n)  2M n = nM n"
  by (simp add: cmult_rel_succ_lemma Card_rel_is_Ord cadd_rel_commute [of _ 0])

lemma sum_lepoll_rel_prod :
  assumes C: "2M C" and
    types:"M(C)" "M(B)"
  shows "B+BM C*B"
proof -
  have "B+BM 2*B"
    by (simp add: sum_eq_2_times types)
  also have "...M C*B"
    by (blast intro: prod_lepoll_rel_mono lepoll_rel_refl C types)
  finally show "B+BM C*B" by (simp_all add:types)

lemma lepoll_imp_sum_lepoll_prod : "[| AM B; 2M A; M(A) ;M(B) |] ==> A+BM A*B"
by (blast intro: sum_lepoll_rel_mono sum_lepoll_rel_prod lepoll_rel_trans lepoll_rel_refl)

end (* M_cardinals *)

subsection‹Infinite Cardinals are Limit Ordinals›

(*This proof is modelled upon one assuming nat<=A, with injection
  λz∈cons(u,A). if z=u then 0 else if z ∈ nat then succ(z) else z
  and inverse %y. if y ∈ nat then nat_case(u, %z. z, y) else y.  \
  If f ∈ inj(nat,A) then range(f) behaves like the natural numbers.*)

context M_pre_cardinal_arith

lemma nat_cons_lepoll_rel : "nat ≲M A  M(A)  M(u) ==> cons(u,A)M A"
apply (simp add: def_lepoll_rel)
apply (erule rexE)
apply (rule_tac x =
          "λzcons (u,A).
             if z=u then f`0
             else if z  range (f) then f`succ (converse (f) `z) else z"
       in rexI)
apply (rule_tac d =
          "%y. if y  range(f) then nat_case (u, %z. f`z, converse(f) `y)
                              else y"
       in lam_injective)
apply (fast intro!: if_type apply_type intro: inj_is_fun inj_converse_fun)
apply (simp add: inj_is_fun [THEN apply_rangeI]
                 inj_converse_fun [THEN apply_rangeI]
                 inj_converse_fun [THEN apply_funtype])
proof -
  fix f
  assume "M(A)" "M(f)" "M(u)"
  show "M(λzcons(u, A). if z = u then f ` 0 else if z  range(f) then f ` succ(converse(f) ` z) else z)"
  using if_then_range_replacement transM[OF _ M(A)]
  by (rule_tac lam_closed, auto)

lemma nat_cons_eqpoll_rel : "nat ≲M A ==> M(A)  M(u)  cons(u,A)M A"
apply (erule nat_cons_lepoll_rel [THEN eqpoll_relI], assumption+)
apply (rule subset_consI [THEN subset_imp_lepoll_rel], simp_all)

lemma nat_succ_eqpoll_rel : "nat  A ==> M(A)  succ(A)M A"
apply (unfold succ_def)
apply (erule subset_imp_lepoll_rel [THEN nat_cons_eqpoll_rel], simp_all)

lemma InfCard_rel_nat : "InfCardM(nat)"
apply (simp add: InfCard_rel_def)
apply (blast intro: Card_rel_nat Card_rel_is_Ord)

lemma InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel : "M(K)  InfCardM(K)  CardM(K)"
apply (simp add: InfCard_rel_def)

lemma InfCard_rel_Un :
    "[| InfCardM(K);  CardM(L); M(K); M(L) |] ==> InfCardM(K  L)"
apply (simp add: InfCard_rel_def)
apply (simp add: Card_rel_Un Un_upper1_le [THEN [2] le_trans]  Card_rel_is_Ord)

lemma InfCard_rel_is_Limit : "InfCardM(K) ==> M(K)  Limit(K)"
apply (simp add: InfCard_rel_def)
apply (erule conjE)
apply (frule Card_rel_is_Ord, assumption)
apply (rule ltI [THEN non_succ_LimitI])
apply (erule le_imp_subset [THEN subsetD])
apply (safe dest!: Limit_nat [THEN Limit_le_succD])
  apply (unfold Card_rel_def)
  apply (drule trans)
apply (erule le_imp_subset [THEN nat_succ_eqpoll_rel, THEN cardinal_rel_cong], simp_all)
apply (erule Ord_cardinal_rel_le [THEN lt_trans2, THEN lt_irrefl], assumption)
apply (rule le_eqI) prefer 2
apply (rule Ord_cardinal_rel, assumption+)

end (* M_cardinal_arith *)

(*** An infinite cardinal equals its square (Kunen, Thm 10.12, page 29) ***)

― ‹FIXME: Awful proof, it essentially repeats the same
    argument twice›
lemma (in M_ordertype) ordertype_abs [absolut]:
      "[| wellordered(M,A,r); M(A); M(r); M(i)|] ==>
      otype(M,A,r,i)  i = ordertype(A,r)"
proof (intro iffI)
  assume "wellordered(M, A, r)" "M(A)" "M(r)" "M(i)" "otype(M, A, r, i)"
  moreover from this
  obtain f j where "M(f)"  "M(j)"  "Ord(j)" "f  A, r  j, Memrel(j)"
    using ordertype_exists[of A r] by auto
  moreover from calculation
  have "f[M]. f  A, r  j, Memrel(j)" by auto
  have "f[M]. f  A, r  i, Memrel(i)"
  proof -
    note calculation
    moreover from this
    obtain h where "omap(M, A, r, h)" "M(h)"
      using omap_exists by auto
    moreover from calculation
    have "h  A, r  i, Memrel(i)"
      using omap_ord_iso obase_equals by simp
    moreover from calculation
    have "h O converse(f)  j, Memrel(j)  i, Memrel(i)"
      using ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans by blast
    moreover from calculation
    have "i=j"
      using Ord_iso_implies_eq[of j i "h O converse(f)"]
        Ord_otype[OF _ well_ord_is_trans_on] by simp
    show ?thesis by simp
  show "i = ordertype(A, r)"
    by (force intro:ordertypes_are_absolute[of A r _ i]
        simp add:Ord_otype[OF _ well_ord_is_trans_on])
  assume "wellordered(M,A, r)" "i = ordertype(A, r)"
    "M(i)" "M(A)" "M(r)"
  moreover from this
  obtain h where "omap(M, A, r, h)" "M(h)"
    using omap_exists by auto
  moreover from calculation
  obtain j where "otype(M,A,r,j)" "M(j)"
    using otype_exists by auto
  moreover from calculation
  have "h  A, r  j, Memrel(j)"
    using omap_ord_iso_otype by simp
  moreover from calculation
  obtain f where "f  A, r  i, Memrel(i)"
    using ordertype_ord_iso by auto
  have "j=i"
  proof -
    note calculation
    moreover from this
    have "h O converse(f)  i, Memrel(i)  j, Memrel(j)"
      using ord_iso_sym ord_iso_trans by blast
    moreover from calculation
    have "Ord(i)" using Ord_ordertype by simp
    show "j=i"
      using Ord_iso_implies_eq[of i j "h O converse(f)"]
        Ord_otype[OF _ well_ord_is_trans_on] by simp
  show "otype(M, A, r, i)" by simp

lemma (in M_ordertype) ordertype_closed [intro,simp]: " wellordered(M,A,r);M(A);M(r)  M(ordertype(A,r))"
  using ordertype_exists ordertypes_are_absolute by blast

  jump_cardinal :: "i=>i"  where
    ― ‹This definition is more complex than Kunen's but it more easily proved to
        be a cardinal›
    "jump_cardinal(K) ==
         ⋃X∈Pow(K). {z. r ∈ Pow(K*K), well_ord(X,r) & z = ordertype(X,r)}"

relationalize "transitive_rel" "is_transitive" external
synthesize "is_transitive" from_definition assuming "nonempty"

lemma (in M_trivial) is_transitive_iff_transitive_rel :
  "M(A) M(r)  transitive_rel(M, A, r)  is_transitive(M,A, r)"
  unfolding transitive_rel_def is_transitive_def by simp

relationalize "linear_rel" "is_linear" external
synthesize "is_linear" from_definition assuming "nonempty"

lemma (in M_trivial) is_linear_iff_linear_rel :
  "M(A) M(r)  is_linear(M,A, r)  linear_rel(M, A, r)"
  unfolding linear_rel_def is_linear_def by simp

relationalize "wellfounded_on" "is_wellfounded_on" external
synthesize "is_wellfounded_on" from_definition assuming "nonempty"

lemma (in M_trivial) is_wellfounded_on_iff_wellfounded_on :
  "M(A) M(r)  is_wellfounded_on(M,A, r)  wellfounded_on(M, A, r)"
  unfolding wellfounded_on_def is_wellfounded_on_def by simp

  is_well_ord :: "[i=>o,i,i]=>o" where
    ― ‹linear and wellfounded on A›
    "is_well_ord(M,A,r) ==
        is_transitive(M,A,r)  is_linear(M,A,r)  is_wellfounded_on(M,A,r)"

lemma (in M_trivial) is_well_ord_iff_wellordered :
  "M(A) M(r)   is_well_ord(M,A, r)  wellordered(M, A, r)"
  using is_wellfounded_on_iff_wellfounded_on is_linear_iff_linear_rel
  unfolding wellordered_def is_well_ord_def by simp

reldb_add relational "well_ord" "is_well_ord"
reldb_add functional "well_ord" "well_ord"
synthesize "is_well_ord" from_definition assuming "nonempty"

― ‹One keyword (functional or relational) means going
    from an absolute term to that kind of term›
reldb_add relational "Order.pred" "pred_set"

― ‹The following form (twice the same argument) is only correct
    when an "\_abs" theorem is available›
reldb_add functional "Order.pred" "Order.pred"
reldb_add functional "Ord" "Ord"

― ‹Two keywords denote origin and destination, respectively›
reldb_add functional relational "Ord" "ordinal"

relativize functional "ord_iso" "ord_iso_rel" external
― ‹The following corresponds to "relativize functional relational"›
relationalize "ord_iso_rel" "is_ord_iso"

context M_pre_cardinal_arith

is_iff_rel for "ord_iso"
  using bij_rel_iff
  unfolding is_ord_iso_def ord_iso_rel_def
  by simp

rel_closed for "ord_iso"
  using ord_iso_separation unfolding ord_iso_rel_def
  by simp

end (* M_pre_cardinal_arith *)

synthesize "is_ord_iso" from_definition assuming "nonempty"

lemma is_lambda_iff_sats [iff_sats]:
  assumes is_F_iff_sats:
    "!!a0 a1 a2.
        [|a0Aa; a1Aa; a2Aa|]
        ==> is_F(a1, a0)  sats(Aa, is_F_fm, Cons(a0,Cons(a1,Cons(a2,env))))"
    "nth(A, env) = Ab 
    nth(r, env) = ra 
    A  nat 
    r  nat 
    env  list(Aa) 
    is_lambda(##Aa, Ab, is_F, ra)  Aa, env  lambda_fm(is_F_fm,A, r)"
  using sats_lambda_fm[OF assms, of A r] by simp

― ‹same as @{thm sats_is_wfrec_fm}, but changing length assumptions to
    term0 being in the model›
lemma sats_is_wfrec_fm' :
  assumes MH_iff_sats:
    "!!a0 a1 a2 a3 a4.
        [|a0A; a1A; a2A; a3A; a4A|]
        ==> MH(a2, a1, a0)  sats(A, p, Cons(a0,Cons(a1,Cons(a2,Cons(a3,Cons(a4,env))))))"
    "[|x  nat; y  nat; z  nat; env  list(A); 0  A|]
       ==> sats(A, is_wfrec_fm(p,x,y,z), env) 
           is_wfrec(##A, MH, nth(x,env), nth(y,env), nth(z,env))"
  using MH_iff_sats [THEN iff_sym] nth_closed sats_is_recfun_fm
  by (simp add: is_wfrec_fm_def is_wfrec_def) blast

lemma is_wfrec_iff_sats' [iff_sats]:
  assumes MH_iff_sats:
    "!!a0 a1 a2 a3 a4.
        [|a0Aa; a1Aa; a2Aa; a3Aa; a4Aa|]
        ==> MH(a2, a1, a0)  sats(Aa, p, Cons(a0,Cons(a1,Cons(a2,Cons(a3,Cons(a4,env))))))"
    "x  nat" "y  nat" "z  nat" "env  list(Aa)" "0  Aa"
    "nth(x, env) = xx" "nth(y, env) = yy" "nth(z, env) = zz"
    "is_wfrec(##Aa, MH, xx, yy, zz)  Aa, env  is_wfrec_fm(p,x,y,z)"
  using assms(7-9) sats_is_wfrec_fm'[OF assms(1-6)] by simp

lemma is_wfrec_on_iff_sats [iff_sats]:
  assumes MH_iff_sats:
    "!!a0 a1 a2 a3 a4.
        [|a0Aa; a1Aa; a2Aa; a3Aa; a4Aa|]
        ==> MH(a2, a1, a0)  sats(Aa, p, Cons(a0,Cons(a1,Cons(a2,Cons(a3,Cons(a4,env))))))"
    "nth(x, env) = xx 
    nth(y, env) = yy 
    nth(z, env) = zz 
    x  nat 
    y  nat 
    z  nat 
    env  list(Aa) 
    0  Aa  is_wfrec_on(##Aa, MH, aa,xx, yy, zz)  Aa, env  is_wfrec_fm(p,x,y,z)"
  using assms sats_is_wfrec_fm'[OF assms] unfolding is_wfrec_on_def by simp

lemma trans_on_iff_trans : "trans[A](r)  trans(r  A×A)"
  unfolding trans_on_def trans_def by auto

lemma trans_on_subset : "trans[A](r)  B  A  trans[B](r)"
  unfolding trans_on_def
  by auto

lemma relation_Int : "relation(r  B×B)"
  unfolding relation_def
  by auto

text‹Discipline for term‹ordermap›
relativize functional "ordermap" "ordermap_rel" external
relationalize "ordermap_rel" "is_ordermap"

context M_pre_cardinal_arith

lemma wfrec_on_pred_eq :
  assumes "r  Pow(A×A)" "M(A)" "M(r)"
  shows "wfrec[A](r, x, λx f. f `` Order.pred(A, x, r)) = wfrec(r, x, λx f. f `` Order.pred(A, x, r))"
proof -
  from r  Pow(A×A)
  have "r  A×A = r" by auto
  moreover from this
  show ?thesis
    unfolding wfrec_on_def by simp

lemma wfrec_on_pred_closed :
  assumes "wf[A](r)" "trans[A](r)" "r  Pow(A×A)" "M(A)" "M(r)" "x  A"
  shows "M(wfrec(r, x, λx f. f `` Order.pred(A, x, r)))"
proof -
  from assms
  have "wfrec[A](r, x, λx f. f `` Order.pred(A, x, r)) = wfrec(r, x, λx f. f `` Order.pred(A, x, r))"
    using wfrec_on_pred_eq by simp
  moreover from assms
  have "M(wfrec(r, x, λx f. f `` Order.pred(A, x, r)))"
    using wfrec_pred_replacement wf_on_imp_wf trans_on_imp_trans subset_Sigma_imp_relation
    by (rule_tac MH="λx f b. a[M]. image(M, f, a, b)  pred_set(M, A, x, r, a)" in trans_wfrec_closed)
      (auto dest:transM simp:relation2_def)
  show ?thesis by simp

lemma wfrec_on_pred_closed' :
  assumes "wf[A](r)" "trans[A](r)" "r  Pow(A×A)" "M(A)" "M(r)" "x  A"
  shows "M(wfrec[A](r, x, λx f. f `` Order.pred(A, x, r)))"
  using assms wfrec_on_pred_closed wfrec_on_pred_eq by simp

lemma ordermap_rel_closed' :
  assumes "wf[A](r)" "trans[A](r)" "r  Pow(A×A)" "M(A)" "M(r)"
  shows "M(ordermap_rel(M, A, r))" 
proof -
  from assms 
  have "r  A×A = r" by auto
  with assms have "wf(r)" "trans(r)" "relation(r)"
    unfolding wf_on_def using trans_on_iff_trans relation_def by auto
  have 1:" x z . M(x)  M(z)  
    (y[M]. pair(M, x, y, z)  is_wfrec(M, λx f z. z = f `` Order.pred(A, x, r), r, x, y)) 
    z = <x,wfrec(r,x,λx f. f `` Order.pred(A, x, r))>"
    using trans_wfrec_abs[of r,where
        H="λx f. f `` Order.pred(A, x, r)" and
        MH="λx f z . z= f `` Order.pred(A, x, r)",simplified] assms
      wfrec_pred_replacement unfolding relation2_def 
    by auto
  have "strong_replacement(M,λx z. z = <x,wfrec(r,x,λx f. f `` Order.pred(A, x, r))>)"
    using strong_replacement_cong[of M,OF 1,THEN iffD1,OF _ _
      wfrec_pred_replacement[unfolded wfrec_replacement_def]] assms by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using Pow_iff assms
    unfolding ordermap_rel_def 
    apply(subst lam_cong[OF refl wfrec_on_pred_eq],simp_all)
    using wfrec_on_pred_closed lam_closed
    by simp

lemma ordermap_rel_closed [intro,simp]:
  assumes "wf[A](r)" "trans[A](r)" "r  Pow(A×A)"
  shows "M(A)  M(r)  M(ordermap_rel(M, A, r))" 
  using ordermap_rel_closed' assms by simp

lemma is_ordermap_iff :
  assumes "r  Pow(A×A)" "wf[A](r)" "trans[A](r)"
    "M(A)" "M(r)" "M(res)"
  shows "is_ordermap(M, A, r, res)  res = ordermap_rel(M, A, r)"
proof -
  from r  Pow(A×A)
  have "r  A×A = r" by auto
  with assms have 1:"wf(r)" "trans(r)" "relation(r)"
    unfolding wf_on_def using trans_on_iff_trans relation_def by auto
  from assms
  have "r  A×A = r" "r  A×A" "<x,y>  r  xA  yA" for x y by auto
  show ?thesis
  using ordermap_rel_closed[of r A] assms wfrec_on_pred_closed wfrec_pred_replacement 1
  unfolding is_ordermap_def ordermap_rel_def
  apply (rule_tac lambda_abs2)
     apply (simp_all add:Relation1_def)
  apply clarify
  apply (rule trans_wfrec_on_abs)
            apply (auto dest:transM simp add: relation_Int relation2_def)
  by(rule_tac wfrec_on_pred_closed'[of A r],auto)

end (* M_pre_cardinal_arith *)

synthesize "is_ordermap" from_definition assuming "nonempty"

text‹Discipline for term‹ordertype›
relativize functional "ordertype" "ordertype_rel" external
relationalize "ordertype_rel" "is_ordertype"

context M_pre_cardinal_arith

lemma is_ordertype_iff :
  assumes "r  Pow(A×A)" "wf[A](r)" "trans[A](r)"
  shows "M(A)  M(r)  M(res)  is_ordertype(M, A, r, res)  res = ordertype_rel(M, A, r)"
  using assms is_ordermap_iff[of r A] trans_on_iff_trans
    ordermap_rel_closed[of A r]
  unfolding is_ordertype_def ordertype_rel_def wf_on_def by simp

lemma is_ordertype_iff' :
  assumes "r  Pow_rel(M,A×A)" "well_ord(A,r)"
  shows "M(A)  M(r)  M(res)  is_ordertype(M, A, r, res)  res = ordertype_rel(M, A, r)"
  using assms is_ordertype_iff Pow_rel_char
  unfolding well_ord_def part_ord_def tot_ord_def by simp

lemma is_ordertype_iff'' :
  assumes "well_ord(A,r)" "rA×A"
  shows "M(A)  M(r)  M(res)  is_ordertype(M, A, r, res)  res = ordertype_rel(M, A, r)"
  using assms is_ordertype_iff
  unfolding well_ord_def part_ord_def tot_ord_def by simp

end (* M_pre_cardinal_arith *)

synthesize "is_ordertype" from_definition assuming "nonempty"

― ‹NOTE: not quite the same as term‹jump_cardinal›,
    note term‹Pow(X*X).›
  jump_cardinal' :: "ii"  where
         XPow(K). {z. r  Pow(X*X), well_ord(X,r) & z = ordertype(X,r)}"

relativize functional "jump_cardinal'" "jump_cardinal'_rel" external
relationalize "jump_cardinal'_rel" "is_jump_cardinal'"
synthesize "is_jump_cardinal'" from_definition assuming "nonempty"
arity_theorem for "is_jump_cardinal'_fm"
definition jump_cardinal_body' where
  "jump_cardinal_body'(X)  {z . r  Pow(X × X),  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype(X, r)}"

relativize functional "jump_cardinal_body'" "jump_cardinal_body'_rel" external
relationalize "jump_cardinal_body'_rel" "is_jump_cardinal_body'"
synthesize "is_jump_cardinal_body'" from_definition assuming "nonempty"
arity_theorem for "is_jump_cardinal_body'_fm"

context M_pre_cardinal_arith

lemma ordertype_rel_closed' :
  assumes "wf[A](r)" "trans[A](r)" "r  Pow(A×A)" "M(r)" "M(A)"
  shows "M(ordertype_rel(M,A,r))"
    unfolding ordertype_rel_def
  using ordermap_rel_closed image_closed assms by simp

lemma ordertype_rel_closed [intro,simp]:
  assumes "well_ord(A,r)" "r  Pow_rel(M,A×A)" "M(A)"
  shows "M(ordertype_rel(M,A,r))"
    using assms Pow_rel_char ordertype_rel_closed'
    unfolding well_ord_def tot_ord_def part_ord_def
    by simp

lemma ordertype_rel_abs :
  assumes "wellordered(M,X,r)" "M(X)" "M(r)"
  shows "ordertype_rel(M,X,r) = ordertype(X,r)"
  using assms ordertypes_are_absolute[of X r]
  unfolding ordertype_def ordertype_rel_def ordermap_rel_def ordermap_def
  by simp

lemma univalent_aux1 : "M(X)  univalent(M,Pow_rel(M,X×X),
  λr z. M(z)  M(r)  rPow_rel(M,X×X)  is_well_ord(M, X, r)  is_ordertype(M, X, r, z))"
  using is_well_ord_iff_wellordered
    is_ordertype_iff[of _ X]
    trans_on_subset[OF well_ord_is_trans_on]
     well_ord_is_wf[THEN wf_on_subset_A] mem_Pow_rel_abs
  unfolding univalent_def
  by (simp)

lemma jump_cardinal_body_eq : 
  "M(X)  jump_cardinal_body(M,X) = jump_cardinal_body'_rel(M,X)"
  unfolding jump_cardinal_body_def jump_cardinal_body'_rel_def
  using ordertype_rel_abs
  by auto

end (* M_pre_cardinal_arith *)

context M_cardinal_arith
lemma jump_cardinal_closed_aux1 :
  assumes "M(X)"
  unfolding jump_cardinal_body_def
  using M(X) ordertype_rel_abs 
    ordertype_replacement[OF M(X)] univalent_aux1[OF M(X)]
    strong_replacement_closed[where A="PowM(X × X)" and
      P="λ r z . M(z)  M(r)   r  PowM(X × X)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype(X, r)"]
  by auto

lemma univalent_jc_body : "M(X)  univalent(M,X,λ x z . M(z)  M(x)  z = jump_cardinal_body(M,x))"
  using transM[of _ X]  jump_cardinal_closed_aux1 by auto

lemma jump_cardinal_body_closed :
  assumes "M(K)"
  shows "M({a . X  PowM(K), M(a)  M(X)  a = jump_cardinal_body(M,X)})"
  using assms univalent_jc_body jump_cardinal_closed_aux1 strong_replacement_jc_body
  by simp

rel_closed for "jump_cardinal'"
  using jump_cardinal_body_closed ordertype_rel_abs
  unfolding jump_cardinal_body_def jump_cardinal'_rel_def
  by simp

is_iff_rel for "jump_cardinal'"
proof -
  assume types: "M(K)" "M(res)"
  have "is_Replace(M, Pow_rel(M,X×X), λr z. M(z)  M(r)  is_well_ord(M, X, r)  is_ordertype(M, X, r, z),
   a)  a = {z . r  Pow_rel(M,X×X), M(z)  M(r)  is_well_ord(M,X,r)  is_ordertype(M, X, r, z)}"
    if "M(X)" "M(a)" for X a
    using that univalent_aux1
    by (rule_tac Replace_abs) (simp_all)
  have "is_Replace(M, Pow_rel(M,X×X), λr z. M(z)  M(r)  is_well_ord(M, X, r)  is_ordertype(M, X, r, z),
   a)  a = {z . r  Pow_rel(M,X×X), M(z)  M(r)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype_rel(M, X, r)}"
    if "M(X)" "M(a)" for X a
    using that univalent_aux1 is_ordertype_iff' is_well_ord_iff_wellordered well_ord_abs by auto
  have "is_Replace(M, d, λX a. M(a)  M(X) 
      a = {z . r  PowM(X × X), M(z)  M(r)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype(X, r)}, e)
    e ={a . X  d, M(a)  M(X)  a = jump_cardinal_body(M,X)}"
    if "M(d)" "M(e)" for d e
    using jump_cardinal_closed_aux1 that
    unfolding jump_cardinal_body_def
    by (rule_tac Replace_abs) simp_all
  show ?thesis
    using Pow_rel_iff jump_cardinal_body_closed[of K] ordertype_rel_abs
    unfolding is_jump_cardinal'_def jump_cardinal'_rel_def jump_cardinal_body_def
    by (simp add: types)


locale M_jump_cardinal= M_ordertype

context M_cardinal_arith

lemma (in M_ordertype) ordermap_closed [intro,simp]:
  assumes "wellordered(M,A,r)" and types:"M(A)" "M(r)"
  shows "M(ordermap(A,r))"
proof -
  note assms
  moreover from this
  obtain i f where "Ord(i)" "f  ord_iso(A, r, i, Memrel(i))"
    "M(i)" "M(f)" using ordertype_exists by blast
  moreover from calculation
  have "i = ordertype(A,r)" using ordertypes_are_absolute by force
  moreover from calculation
  have "ordermap(A,r)  ord_iso(A, r, i, Memrel(i))"
    using ordertype_ord_iso by simp
  have "f = ordermap(A,r)" using well_ord_iso_unique by fastforce
  with M(f)
  show ?thesis by simp

(*A general fact about ordermap*)
lemma ordermap_eqpoll_pred :
    "[| well_ord(A,r);  x  A ; M(A);M(r);M(x)|] ==> ordermap(A,r)`xM Order.pred(A,x,r)"
apply (simp add: def_eqpoll_rel)
apply (rule rexI)
apply (simp add: ordermap_eq_image well_ord_is_wf)
apply (erule ordermap_bij [THEN bij_is_inj, THEN restrict_bij,
                           THEN bij_converse_bij])
apply (rule pred_subset, simp)

text‹Kunen: "each termx,y  K × K has no more than termz × z predecessors..." (page 29)›
lemma ordermap_csquare_le :
  assumes K: "Limit(K)" and x: "x<K" and y: " y<K"
    and types: "M(K)" "M(x)" "M(y)"
  shows "|ordermap(K × K, csquare_rel(K)) ` x,y|M  |succ(succ(x  y))|MM |succ(succ(x  y))|M"
  using types
proof (simp add: cmult_rel_def, rule_tac well_ord_lepoll_rel_imp_cardinal_rel_le)
  let ?z="succ(x  y)"
  show "well_ord(|succ(?z)|M × |succ(?z)|M,
                 rmult(|succ(?z)|M, Memrel(|succ(?z)|M), |succ(?z)|M, Memrel(|succ(?z)|M)))"
    by (blast intro: well_ord_Memrel well_ord_rmult types)
  let ?z="succ(x  y)"
  have zK: "?z<K" using x y K
    by (blast intro: Un_least_lt Limit_has_succ)
  hence oz: "Ord(?z)" by (elim ltE)
  from assms
  have Mom:"M(ordermap(K × K, csquare_rel(K)))"
    using well_ord_csquare Limit_is_Ord by fastforce
  have "ordermap(K × K, csquare_rel(K)) ` x,yM ordermap(K × K, csquare_rel(K)) ` ?z,?z"
    by (blast intro: ordermap_z_lt leI le_imp_lepoll_rel K x y types)
  also have "...M  Order.pred(K × K, ?z,?z, csquare_rel(K))"
    proof (rule ordermap_eqpoll_pred)
      show "well_ord(K × K, csquare_rel(K))" using K
        by (rule Limit_is_Ord [THEN well_ord_csquare])
      show "?z, ?z  K × K" using zK
        by (blast intro: ltD)
    qed (simp_all add:types)
  also have "...M succ(?z) × succ(?z)" using zK
    by (rule_tac pred_csquare_subset [THEN subset_imp_lepoll_rel]) (simp_all add:types)
  also have "...M |succ(?z)|M × |succ(?z)|M" using oz
    by (blast intro: prod_eqpoll_rel_cong Ord_cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel eqpoll_rel_sym types)
  finally show "ordermap(K × K, csquare_rel(K)) ` x,yM |succ(?z)|M × |succ(?z)|M"
    by (simp_all add:types Mom)
  from Mom
  show "M(ordermap(K × K, csquare_rel(K)) ` x, y)" by (simp_all add:types)
qed (simp_all add:types)

text‹Kunen: "... so the order type is ≤› K"›
lemma ordertype_csquare_le_M :
  assumes IK: "InfCardM(K)" and eq: "y. yK  InfCardM(y)  M(y)  yM y = y"
  ― ‹Note the weakened hypothesis @{thm eq}
    and types: "M(K)"
  shows "ordertype(K*K, csquare_rel(K))  K"
proof -
  have  CK: "CardM(K)" using IK by (rule_tac InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel) (simp_all add:types)
  hence OK: "Ord(K)"  by (rule Card_rel_is_Ord) (simp_all add:types)
  moreover have "Ord(ordertype(K × K, csquare_rel(K)))" using OK
    by (rule well_ord_csquare [THEN Ord_ordertype])
  ultimately show ?thesis
  proof (rule all_lt_imp_le)
    fix i
    assume i:"i < ordertype(K × K, csquare_rel(K))"
    hence Oi: "Ord(i)" by (elim ltE)
    obtain x y where x: "x  K" and y: "y  K"
                 and ieq: "i = ordermap(K × K, csquare_rel(K)) ` x,y"
      using i by (auto simp add: ordertype_unfold elim: ltE)
    hence xy: "Ord(x)" "Ord(y)" "x < K" "y < K" using OK
      by (blast intro: Ord_in_Ord ltI)+
    hence ou: "Ord(x  y)"
      by (simp)
    from OK types
    have "M(ordertype(K × K, csquare_rel(K)))"
       using well_ord_csquare by fastforce
    with i x y types
    have types': "M(K)" "M(i)" "M(x)" "M(y)"
      using types by (auto dest:transM ltD)
    show "i < K"
      proof (rule Card_rel_lt_imp_lt [OF _ Oi CK])
        have "|i|M  |succ(succ(x  y))|MM |succ(succ(x  y))|M" using IK xy
          by (auto simp add: ieq types intro: InfCard_rel_is_Limit [THEN ordermap_csquare_le] types')
        moreover have "|succ(succ(x  y))|MM |succ(succ(x  y))|M < K"
          proof (cases rule: Ord_linear2 [OF ou Ord_nat])
            assume "x  y < nat"
            hence "|succ(succ(x  y))|MM |succ(succ(x  y))|M  nat"
              by (simp add: lt_def nat_cmult_rel_eq_mult nat_succI
                         nat_into_Card_rel [THEN Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq] types')
            also have "...  K" using IK
              by (simp add: InfCard_rel_def le_imp_subset types)
            finally show "|succ(succ(x  y))|MM |succ(succ(x  y))|M < K"
              by (simp add: ltI OK)
            assume natxy: "nat  x  y"
            hence seq: "|succ(succ(x  y))|M = |x  y|M" using xy
              by (simp add: le_imp_subset nat_succ_eqpoll_rel [THEN cardinal_rel_cong] le_succ_iff types')
            also have "... < K" using xy
              by (simp add: Un_least_lt Ord_cardinal_rel_le [THEN lt_trans1] types')
            finally have "|succ(succ(x  y))|M < K" .
            moreover have "InfCardM(|succ(succ(x  y))|M)" using xy natxy
              by (simp add: seq InfCard_rel_def nat_le_cardinal_rel types')
            ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: eq ltD types')
        ultimately show "|i|M < K" by (blast intro: lt_trans1)
      qed (simp_all add:types')

(*Main result: Kunen's Theorem 10.12*)
lemma InfCard_rel_csquare_eq :
  assumes IK: "InfCardM(K)" and
  types: "M(K)"
  shows "KM K = K"
proof -
  have  OK: "Ord(K)" using IK by (simp add: Card_rel_is_Ord InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel types)
  from OK assms
  show "KM K = K"
  proof (induct rule: trans_induct)
    case (step i)
    note types = M(K) M(i)
    show "iM i = i"
    proof (rule le_anti_sym)
      from step types
      have Mot:"M(ordertype(i × i, csquare_rel(i)))" "M(ordermap(i × i, csquare_rel(i)))"
        using well_ord_csquare Limit_is_Ord by simp_all
      have "|i × i|M = |ordertype(i × i, csquare_rel(i))|M"
        by (rule_tac cardinal_rel_cong,
          simp_all add: step.hyps well_ord_csquare [THEN ordermap_bij, THEN bij_imp_eqpoll_rel] types)
      with Mot
      have "iM i  ordertype(i × i, csquare_rel(i))"
        by (simp add: step.hyps cmult_rel_def Ord_cardinal_rel_le well_ord_csquare [THEN Ord_ordertype] types)
      have "ordertype(i × i, csquare_rel(i))  i" using step
        by (rule_tac ordertype_csquare_le_M) (simp add: types)
      ultimately show "iM i  i" by (rule le_trans)
      show "i  iM i" using step
        by (blast intro: cmult_rel_square_le InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel)

(*Corollary for arbitrary well-ordered sets (all sets, assuming AC)*)
lemma well_ord_InfCard_rel_square_eq :
  assumes r: "well_ord(A,r)" and I: "InfCardM(|A|M)" and
    types: "M(A)" "M(r)"
  shows "A × AM A"
proof -
  have "A × AM |A|M × |A|M"
    by (blast intro: prod_eqpoll_rel_cong well_ord_cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel eqpoll_rel_sym r types)
  also have "...M A"
    proof (rule well_ord_cardinal_rel_eqE [OF _ r])
      show "well_ord(|A|M × |A|M, rmult(|A|M, Memrel(|A|M), |A|M, Memrel(|A|M)))"
        by (blast intro: well_ord_rmult well_ord_Memrel r types)
      show "||A|M × |A|M|M = |A|M" using InfCard_rel_csquare_eq I
        by (simp add: cmult_rel_def types)
    qed (simp_all add:types)
  finally show ?thesis by (simp_all add:types)

lemma InfCard_rel_square_eqpoll :
  assumes "InfCardM(K)" and types:"M(K)" shows "K × KM K"
  using assms
apply (rule_tac well_ord_InfCard_rel_square_eq)
 apply (erule InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel [THEN Card_rel_is_Ord, THEN well_ord_Memrel])
apply (simp_all add: InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel [THEN Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq] types)

lemma Inf_Card_rel_is_InfCard_rel : "[| CardM(i); ~ Finite_rel(M,i) ; M(i) |] ==> InfCardM(i)"
  by (simp add: InfCard_rel_def Card_rel_is_Ord [THEN nat_le_infinite_Ord])

subsubsection‹Toward's Kunen's Corollary 10.13 (1)›

lemma InfCard_rel_le_cmult_rel_eq : "[| InfCardM(K);  L  K;  0<L; M(K) ; M(L) |] ==> KM L = K"
apply (rule le_anti_sym)
 prefer 2
 apply (erule ltE, blast intro: cmult_rel_le_self InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel)
apply (frule InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel [THEN Card_rel_is_Ord, THEN le_refl]) prefer 3
apply (rule cmult_rel_le_mono [THEN le_trans], assumption+)
apply (simp_all add: InfCard_rel_csquare_eq)

(*Corollary 10.13 (1), for cardinal multiplication*)
lemma InfCard_rel_cmult_rel_eq : "[| InfCardM(K);  InfCardM(L); M(K) ; M(L) |] ==> KM L = K  L"
apply (rule_tac i = K and j = L in Ord_linear_le)
apply (typecheck add: InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel Card_rel_is_Ord)
apply (rule cmult_rel_commute [THEN ssubst]) prefer 3
apply (rule Un_commute [THEN ssubst])
apply (simp_all add: InfCard_rel_is_Limit [THEN Limit_has_0] InfCard_rel_le_cmult_rel_eq
                     subset_Un_iff2 [THEN iffD1] le_imp_subset)

lemma InfCard_rel_cdouble_eq : "InfCardM(K)  M(K)   KM K = K"
apply (simp add: cmult_rel_2 [symmetric] InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel cmult_rel_commute)
apply (simp add: InfCard_rel_le_cmult_rel_eq InfCard_rel_is_Limit Limit_has_0 Limit_has_succ)

(*Corollary 10.13 (1), for cardinal addition*)
lemma InfCard_rel_le_cadd_rel_eq : "[| InfCardM(K);  L  K ; M(K) ; M(L)|] ==> KM L = K"
apply (rule le_anti_sym)
 prefer 2
 apply (erule ltE, blast intro: cadd_rel_le_self InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel)
apply (frule InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel [THEN Card_rel_is_Ord, THEN le_refl]) prefer 3
apply (rule cadd_rel_le_mono [THEN le_trans], assumption+)
apply (simp_all add: InfCard_rel_cdouble_eq)

lemma InfCard_rel_cadd_rel_eq : "[| InfCardM(K);  InfCardM(L); M(K) ; M(L) |] ==> KM L = K  L"
apply (rule_tac i = K and j = L in Ord_linear_le)
apply (typecheck add: InfCard_rel_is_Card_rel Card_rel_is_Ord)
apply (rule cadd_rel_commute [THEN ssubst]) prefer 3
apply (rule Un_commute [THEN ssubst])
apply (simp_all add: InfCard_rel_le_cadd_rel_eq subset_Un_iff2 [THEN iffD1] le_imp_subset)

(*The other part, Corollary 10.13 (2), refers to the cardinality of the set
  of all n-tuples of elements of K.  A better version for the Isabelle theory
  might be  InfCard(K) ==> |list(K)| = K.

end (* M_cardinal_arith *)

subsection‹For Every Cardinal Number There Exists A Greater One›

text‹This result is Kunen's Theorem 10.16, which would be trivial using AC›

locale M_cardinal_arith_jump= M_cardinal_arith + M_jump_cardinal

lemma well_ord_restr : "well_ord(X, r)  well_ord(X, r  X×X)"
proof -
  have "r  X×X  X×X = r  X×X" by auto
  assume "well_ord(X, r)"
  show ?thesis
  unfolding well_ord_def tot_ord_def part_ord_def linear_def
    irrefl_def wf_on_def
    by simp_all (simp only: trans_on_def, blast)

lemma ordertype_restr_eq :
  assumes "well_ord(X,r)"
  shows "ordertype(X, r) = ordertype(X, r  X×X)"
  using ordermap_restr_eq assms unfolding ordertype_def
  by simp

lemma def_jump_cardinal_rel_aux :
  "X  PowM(K)  well_ord(X, w)  M(K) 
  {z . r  PowM(X × X), M(z)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype(X, r)} =
  {z . r  PowM(K × K), M(z)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype(X, r)}"
proof(rule,auto simp:Pow_rel_char dest:transM)
  let ?L="{z . r  PowM(X × X), M(z)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype(X, r)}"
  let ?R="{z . r  PowM(K × K), M(z)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype(X, r)}"
  show "ordertype(X, r)  {y . x  {x  Pow(X × X) . M(x)}, M(y)  well_ord(X, x)  y = ordertype(X, x)}"
    if "M(K)" "M(r)" "rK×K" "XK" "M(X)" "well_ord(X,r)" for r
  proof -
    from that
    have "ordertype(X,r) = ordertype(X,rX×X)" "(rX×X)X×X" "M(rX×X)"
      "well_ord(X,rX×X)" "wellordered(M,X,rX×X)"
      using well_ord_restr ordertype_restr_eq by auto
    moreover from this
    have "ordertype(X,rX×X)  ?L"
      using that Pow_rel_char
        ReplaceI[of "λ z r . M(z)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype(X, r)" "ordertype(X,rX×X)"]
      by auto
    show ?thesis using Pow_rel_char by auto

lemma def_jump_cardinal_rel :
  assumes "M(K)"
  shows "jump_cardinal'_rel(M,K) =
         (XPow_rel(M,K). {z. r  Pow_rel(M,K*K), well_ord(X,r) & z = ordertype(X,r)})"
proof -
  have "M({z . r  PowM(X × X), M(z)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype(X, r)})"
    (is "M(Replace(_,?P))")
    if "M(X)" for X
    using that jump_cardinal_closed_aux1[of X] ordertype_rel_abs[of X]
    by (subst Replace_cong[where P="?P"
        and Q="λr z. M(z)  M(r)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype_rel(M,X,r)",
        OF refl, of "PowM(X × X)"]) (auto dest:transM)
  have "M({z . r  PowM(Y × Y), M(z)  well_ord(X, r)  z = ordertype(X, r)})"
    if "M(Y)" "M(X)" "X  PowM(Y)" "well_ord(X,r)" for Y X r
    using that def_jump_cardinal_rel_aux[of X Y r, symmetric] by simp
  moreover from M(K)
  have "R  PowM(X × X)  X  PowM(K)  R  PowM(K × K)"
    for X R using mem_Pow_rel_abs transM[OF _ Pow_rel_closed, of R "X×X"]
      transM[OF _ Pow_rel_closed, of X K] by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms is_ordertype_iff is_well_ord_iff_wellordered
      ordertype_rel_abs transM[of _ "PowM(K)"] transM[of _ "PowM(K×K)"]
    unfolding jump_cardinal'_rel_def
    apply (intro equalityI)
    apply (auto dest:transM)
    apply (rename_tac X R)
    apply (rule_tac x=X in bexI)
      apply (rule_tac x=R in ReplaceI)
    apply auto
    apply (rule_tac x="{y . xa  PowM(K × K), M(y)  M(xa)  well_ord(X, xa)  y = ordertype(X, xa)}" in bexI)
     apply auto
    by (rule_tac x=X in ReplaceI) auto

notation jump_cardinal'_rel (jump'_cardinal'_rel)

lemma Ord_jump_cardinal_rel : "M(K)  Ord(jump_cardinal_rel(M,K))"
apply (unfold def_jump_cardinal_rel)
apply (rule Ord_is_Transset [THEN [2] OrdI])
 prefer 2 apply (blast intro!: Ord_ordertype)
apply (unfold Transset_def)
apply (safe del: subsetI)
  apply (subst ordertype_pred_unfold, simp, safe)
  apply (rule UN_I)
apply (rule_tac [2] ReplaceI)
    prefer 4 apply (blast intro: well_ord_subset elim!: predE, simp_all)
   prefer 2 apply (blast intro: well_ord_subset elim!: predE)
proof -
  fix X r xb
  assume "M(K)" "X  PowM(K)" "r  PowM(K × K)" "well_ord(X, r)" "xb  X"
  moreover from this
  have "M(X)" "M(r)"
    using cartprod_closed trans_Pow_rel_closed by auto
  moreover from this
  have "M(xb)" using transM[OF xbX] by simp
  show "Order.pred(X, xb, r)  PowM(K)"
    using def_Pow_rel by (auto dest:predE)

declare conj_cong [cong del]
― ‹incompatible with some of the proofs of the original theory›

lemma jump_cardinal_rel_iff_old :
     "M(i)  M(K)  i  jump_cardinal_rel(M,K) 
      (r[M]. X[M]. r  K*K & X  K & well_ord(X,r) & i = ordertype(X,r))"
  apply (unfold def_jump_cardinal_rel)
  apply (auto del: subsetI)
  apply (rename_tac y r)
   apply (rule_tac x=r in rexI, intro conjI) prefer 2
     apply (rule_tac x=y in rexI, intro conjI)
        apply (auto dest:mem_Pow_rel transM)
  apply (rule_tac A=r in rev_subsetD, assumption)
  apply (rename_tac r y)
   apply (rule_tac x=y in bexI)
    apply (rule_tac x=r in ReplaceI, auto)
  using def_Pow_rel
  apply (force+)[2]
  apply (rule_tac A=r in rev_subsetD, assumption)
  using mem_Pow_rel[THEN conjunct1]
  apply auto

(*The easy part of Theorem 10.16: jump_cardinal_rel(K) exceeds K*)
lemma K_lt_jump_cardinal_rel : "Ord(K) ==> M(K)  K < jump_cardinal_rel(M,K)"
apply (rule Ord_jump_cardinal_rel [THEN [2] ltI])
apply (rule jump_cardinal_rel_iff_old [THEN iffD2], assumption+)
apply (rule_tac x="Memrel(K)" in rexI)
apply (rule_tac x=K in rexI)
     apply (simp add: ordertype_Memrel well_ord_Memrel)
  using Memrel_closed
apply (simp_all add: Memrel_def subset_iff)

(*The proof by contradiction: the bijection f yields a wellordering of X
  whose ordertype is jump_cardinal_rel(K).  *)
lemma Card_rel_jump_cardinal_rel_lemma :
     "[| well_ord(X,r);  r  K * K;  X  K;
         f  bij(ordertype(X,r), jump_cardinal_rel(M,K));
         M(X); M(r); M(K); M(f) |]
      ==> jump_cardinal_rel(M,K)  jump_cardinal_rel(M,K)"
apply (subgoal_tac "f O ordermap (X,r)  bij (X, jump_cardinal_rel (M,K))")
 prefer 2 apply (blast intro: comp_bij ordermap_bij)
apply (rule jump_cardinal_rel_iff_old [THEN iffD2], simp+)
apply (intro rexI conjI)
apply (rule subset_trans [OF rvimage_type Sigma_mono], assumption+)
apply (erule bij_is_inj [THEN well_ord_rvimage])
     apply (rule Ord_jump_cardinal_rel [THEN well_ord_Memrel])
apply (simp_all add: well_ord_Memrel [THEN [2] bij_ordertype_vimage]
                 ordertype_Memrel Ord_jump_cardinal_rel)

(*The hard part of Theorem 10.16: jump_cardinal_rel(K) is itself a cardinal*)
lemma Card_rel_jump_cardinal_rel : "M(K)  Card_rel(M,jump_cardinal_rel(M,K))"
  apply (rule Ord_jump_cardinal_rel [THEN Card_relI])
    apply (simp_all add: def_eqpoll_rel)
  apply (drule_tac i1=j in jump_cardinal_rel_iff_old [THEN iffD1, OF _ _ ltD, of _ K], safe)
  apply (blast intro: Card_rel_jump_cardinal_rel_lemma [THEN mem_irrefl])

subsection‹Basic Properties of Successor Cardinals›

lemma csucc_rel_basic : "Ord(K) ==> M(K)  Card_rel(M,csucc_rel(M,K)) & K < csucc_rel(M,K)"
apply (unfold csucc_rel_def)
apply (rule LeastI[of "λi. M(i)  Card_rel(M,i)  K < i", THEN conjunct2])
apply (blast intro: Card_rel_jump_cardinal_rel K_lt_jump_cardinal_rel Ord_jump_cardinal_rel)+

lemmas Card_rel_csucc_rel= csucc_rel_basic [THEN conjunct1]

lemmas lt_csucc_rel= csucc_rel_basic [THEN conjunct2]

lemma Ord_0_lt_csucc_rel : "Ord(K) ==> M(K)  0 < csucc_rel(M,K)"
by (blast intro: Ord_0_le lt_csucc_rel lt_trans1)

lemma csucc_rel_le : "[| Card_rel(M,L);  K<L; M(K); M(L) |] ==> csucc_rel(M,K)  L"
apply (unfold csucc_rel_def)
apply (rule Least_le)
apply (blast intro: Card_rel_is_Ord)+

lemma lt_csucc_rel_iff : "[| Ord(i); Card_rel(M,K); M(K); M(i)|] ==> i < csucc_rel(M,K)  |i|M  K"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (rule_tac [2] Card_rel_lt_imp_lt)
apply (erule_tac [2] lt_trans1)
apply (simp_all add: lt_csucc_rel Card_rel_csucc_rel Card_rel_is_Ord)
apply (rule notI [THEN not_lt_imp_le])
apply (rule Card_rel_cardinal_rel [THEN csucc_rel_le, THEN lt_trans1, THEN lt_irrefl], simp_all+)
apply (rule Ord_cardinal_rel_le [THEN lt_trans1])
apply (simp_all add: Card_rel_is_Ord)

lemma Card_rel_lt_csucc_rel_iff :
     "[| Card_rel(M,K'); Card_rel(M,K); M(K'); M(K) |] ==> K' < csucc_rel(M,K)  K'  K"
by (simp add: lt_csucc_rel_iff Card_rel_cardinal_rel_eq Card_rel_is_Ord)

lemma InfCard_rel_csucc_rel : "InfCard_rel(M,K)  M(K) ==> InfCard_rel(M,csucc_rel(M,K))"
by (simp add: InfCard_rel_def Card_rel_csucc_rel Card_rel_is_Ord
              lt_csucc_rel [THEN leI, THEN [2] le_trans])

subsubsection‹Theorems by Krzysztof Grabczewski, proofs by lcp›

lemma nat_sum_eqpoll_rel_sum :
  assumes m: "m  nat" and n: "n  nat" shows "m + nM m #+ n"
proof -
  have "m + nM |m+n|M" using m n
    by (blast intro: nat_implies_well_ord well_ord_radd well_ord_cardinal_rel_eqpoll_rel eqpoll_rel_sym)
  also have "... = m #+ n" using m n
    by (simp add: nat_cadd_rel_eq_add [symmetric] cadd_rel_def transM[OF _ M_nat])
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma Ord_nat_subset_into_Card_rel : "[| Ord(i); i  nat |] ==> CardM(i)"
by (blast dest: Ord_subset_natD intro: Card_rel_nat nat_into_Card_rel)

end (* M_cardinal_arith_jump *)