The bounded retransmission protocol must be on time! (Full version)

TitleThe bounded retransmission protocol must be on time! (Full version)
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsD'Argenio, PR, Katoen, J-P, Ruys, TC, Tretmans, J
Series TitleTechnical Report CTIT
Document Number97-03
InstitutionUniversity of Twente
AbstractThis paper concerns the transfer of files via a lossy communication channel. It formally specifies this file transfer service in a property-oriented way and investigates---using two different techniques---whether a given bounded retransmission protocol conforms to this service. This protocol is based on the well-known alternating bit protocol but allows for a bounded number of retransmissions of a chunk, i.e., part of a file, only. So, eventual delivery is not guaranteed and the protocol may abort the file transfer. We investigate to what extent real-time aspects are important to guarantee the protocol's correctness and use SPIN and UPPAAL model checking for our purpose.
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