$\tau$-angelic choice: An operator to reduce irrelevant internal activity in process algebra

Title$\tau$-angelic choice: An operator to reduce irrelevant internal activity in process algebra
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsD'Argenio, PR
Conference NameProceedings of the 24as Jornadas Argentinas de Informática e Investigación Operativa (24 JAIIO), Buenos Aires, Argentina
AbstractThe τ-angelic choice is an operator that captures the behaviour of the external choice of CSP in a branching time setting. The idea of the τ-angelic choice is to delay any choice until an observable action happens. In this way, this new operator avoids preemption introduced by internal actions (τ actions). It is studied in theories with abstraction, more precisely, branching bisimulation and τ-bisimulation. In addition, an ilustrative example of application is given.
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