A general conservative extension theorem in process algebras with inequalities

TitleA general conservative extension theorem in process algebras with inequalities
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsD'Argenio, PR
EditorPonse, A, Verhoef, C, van Vlijmen, B
Conference NameProceedings of the 2nd. Workshop ACP'95
PublisherDept. of Mathematics and Computing Science, Eindhoven University of Technology
AbstractA general conservative extension theorem for process algebras with inequalities is stated. General results for proving operational conservative extension up to a semantic preorder and equational conservative extension of equational specifications with inequalities are proposed. The proof of these facts reduces to check some simple conditions in the term deduction system of the process theory. A general theorem for proving completeness in extended process algebras with inequalities is given as a corollary. (The contents of this article has been upgraded and generalised in TCS 177(2):351-380, 1997.)
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