- A. Abel, T. Coquand, and M. Pagano, “A modular type-checking algorithm for type theory with singleton types and proof irrelevance,” Logical Methods in Computer Science, vol. 7, no. 2:4, pp. 1–57, May 2011 [Online]. Available at:
- A. Abel, T. Coquand, and M. Pagano, “A modular type-checking algorithm for type theory with singleton types and proof irrelevance,” in Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 9th International Conference, TLCA 2009, Brasilia, Brazil, July 1-3, 2009. Proceedings, 2009, pp. 5–19 [Online]. Available at:../papers/tlca09.pdf
- M. Pagano, “Ontological commitments of computer science,” in Proceedings IACAP 2011 - First International Conference of IACAP: The Computational Turn: Past, Presents, futures? 4 – 6 july, 2011, Aarhus University, 2011, pp. 56–59 [Online]. Available at:../papers/ontcom.pdf
- L. Rodríguez, D. Fridlender, and M. Pagano, “A certified extension of the krivine machine for a call-by-name higher-order imperative language,” in 19th international conference on types for proofs and programs, TYPES 2013, april 22-26, 2013, toulouse, france, 2013, vol. 26, pp. 230–250 [Online]. Available at:
- D. Fridlender and M. Pagano, “A type-checking algorithm for martin-löf type theory with subtyping based on normalisation by evaluation,” in TLCA, 2013, vol. 7941, pp. 140–155 [Online]. Available at:../papers/tlca13.pdf
- D. Fridlender and M. Pagano, “PTS with typed equality and explicit substitutions.” Presentación en Types for Proofs and Programs 2011, Septiembre-2011.
- L. Rodríguez, D. Fridlender, and M. Pagano, “Mechanized semantics for an Algol-like language.” Presentación en Types for Proofs and Programs 2013 a cargo de Leonardo Rodríguez, Abril-2013.
- A. Acosta, R. Cherini, A. Gadea, E. Gunther, L. Losano, and M. Pagano, “FUN : una herramienta didáctica para la derivación de programas funcionales,” in XIX congreso argentino de ciencias de la computación - iI workshop de innovación en educación en informática, 2013.
- M. Pagano, “Predicative PTS with explicit substitutions and judgemental equality.” Charla en Mini Workshop on Rewriting and Type Theory, Octubre-2012.
- M. Pagano, “Extending the conversion of Type Theory with rewrite rules.” Charla en “International Summer School on Language Engineering and Rigurous Software Development”, Student session LERNET, Febrero-2008.
- D. Fridlender and M. Pagano, “PTSs with explicit substitutions.” Enviado a Journal of Functional Programming en Septiembre 2013.